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Marijuana and throwing up

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Reeferg, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, so I have smoked pot at least 6 times in my life time (started this month) and I have had a great time. However, 2 of those 6 smoking sessions have ended with me throwing up. It's not that I smoked too much or anything because im pretty sure the other times I've smoked, I took way more hits. But what did happen during those 2 sessions that didn't happen in the other 4 sessions was that I ate food right after my session so my question is this....


    Would appreciate if anyone chimed me in on this topic since I am somewhat new to marijuana
  2. #2 SupaAPE, Apr 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2015
    I knew this odd friend of a friend once. Everytime he smoked marijuana he would vomit. It got really annoying because everytime we blazed as a group this guy was throwing up. Nobody wants to see, smell or hear that. Personally I have an idea why HE was vomiting all the time....but alas I stopped smoking that guy up because it wasn't productive and it was a waste of weed.
    Plus the guy was just socially awkward, and became more so when stoned rofl.
  3. I've never had that problem maybe just don't indulge in
    The munchies anymore..
  4. Hmmm over the years only once have I thrown up. Just like what you described. but I had the sesh after a good sized meal. and smoked twice as much as I normally would of to get fucked up. I guess it was the fly sensation going from soft to free fall x2.
  5. I'd say that you may be eating too much, or just simply eating too much too quickly.
    when I first started smoking right after high school, I was consuming on average about 6-8k calories a day, and actually now that I think about it, let me tell you about the first time that I smoked, so me and one of my acquaintances who I work out with had gone on a 50 mile bike ride and just finished. We rode back to my house, which is where he had met me and we left from, I had plans to go eat lunch with 2 of my best friends at a mexican place called nuevo laredo in atlanta, so I invited him to come along. These two good friends smoked a good bit of pot, but i never had yet, they invited me and acquaintance too, and I politefully declined as I usually do, acquaintance says to me "really? you dont smoke? i'm surprised man, its great for recovery and you'll eat twice as much". considering I had just rode hard with this guy, I was like really, and asked him about the lung affect, and he showed me two articles that showed it really had no negative effects unless you were abusing yourself. So, I smoked my first joint with these guys, go to nuevo laredo, ate the normal meal i get in like 5 minutes, went to the bathroom, puked, came back and ordered the same thing again, and ate it all. Now, I didn't puke the second time, but it definitely shows something, because that was hands down the hungriest ive ever been in my life, and I dont think i could do that, that fast again if I tried. 
    sorry for the long story OP i just got really excited to relive some old memories, but i recommend just eating something small and healthy, just so it will be lighter on your whole digestive system, it could be that because your heart rate increase your oesophageal sphincter is closing up because it thinks you are like running around or working out. try a banana, maybe a mango, some peaches, blueberries, hey they all sound great to me right now, I may have to go grab me some. 
  6. Lotta new members again starting the same threads again...

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