Cell Funerals: Millions A Day Without You Even Knowing

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Imbakedafatthemoment, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Every time a cell dies all the other cells have a little cell funeral and they then cremate the corpse and release the ashes in the rectum. Then a gaseous force releases the ashes from the rectum. This phenomenon is known as a "fart." It takes around 250,000 cremated cells to result in 1 fart, and humans fart around 6 fts/day(fts=farts). Through this knowledge scientists were able to prove that humans lose 1,300,000-1,700,0000(15,000,000+or-2,000,000) cells to premature death a day.
    - I'm super fucking high
  2. 6 farts a day average?  Someone is not farting their fair share.
  3. LOL


  4. Heh after a night of drinking I'd say I fill my 6 fart quota in about the first 20 minutes, I wonder who's bringing down the average.
  5. You forgot about nails and hair.
  6. My cells come out of my pee hole I dunno what you talking about bro

    No shit!
  8. And here I thought it was the biproduct of stomach flora bacterium feeding on my lunch. Damn. Learn something new everyday.
    Brb, collecting fart ashes to reabsorb the premature cells. (probably will IV infuse, but possibly taken orally).
  9. And people wonder why I recycle my farts..
    Great butts fart alike.
  11. You can also meditate to prevent farting, resulting in longer lifetime.

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