Do I have a female? Any ideas

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by 420kindaguy, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. I see spike looking things formed as you can see in the stem shots my plant is 7 inches tall

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  2. By the way it is 1 month 1 week old
  3. The spike grows right up against the main stem right above the 4th set of leaves
  4. usually around the 8th node it will begin to preflower[​IMG]
  5. Can you tell by pictures if it looks like a lady?
  6. I can take a picture of any part of the plant you want if needed for a better idea... I really need a second guess what I've read online I think its girl cause its got spike shoots but no ball looking things
  7. Here's a couple close ups

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  8. Dude, you can't really tell yet. I know that's one of the shittiest things to here but its true, you have yo wait for pistils to show up. It looks like a girl bit I really can't tell
  9. #9 LazyBlazer, Apr 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2015
    Those are too young to be showing sex. I see you mentioned they are about 5 weeks old and you may have heard it takes a month to show for the plant to show sex...remember the first week or 2 is considered the seedling phase and not part of the vegetative phase. That being said, once the plant establishes a good root system it will begin to enter the vegetative phase and even though some plants may show sex as quickly as one month into veg, most take longer. I think what you are seeing in the nodes are new leaf development that will start growing out as a branch. The "spikes" you see on the sides of the stalk beside every node are the stipules

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