Confused Hurt...

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by St0nerChick23, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. #1 St0nerChick23, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2015
    Okay so, I called the cops on my now EX boyfriend after he had pushed me so hard that I fell on the hard kitchen tile and slammed the door on me after he had pushed me. He told me I wasn't ever going to amount to anything, that I was a loser and all this.
    Long story short the job that I had taken a drug test for (feeling like I didn't pass since I hadn't heard from them in a couple days) finally called me and said I passed, i felt like basically telling my ex like "ha i'm not a loser like you said, I am going to amount to something" so I texted him at 11 am something like;

    "________ just called me and I passed the piss test, I guess I didn't need those tablets and I didn't need you. I'm not a loser like you said I was, and I am going to amount to something."

    And he didn't even reply until almost 4AM (keep in mind he works at Wendy's from 5pm - 2am), all he said was;

    "Okay baby, you crazy bitch."

    & for some reason I'm really confused about that and it keeps going through my head over and over and it's really bothering me. I just want to get over it and move on but I can't get past all the names he's called me. I'm just hurt. :/

    Can any guys give me a guy opinion?

  2. You can do better for sure. You don't need anyone calling you a loser. No one deserves that kind of negativity in their life.
  3. Honey, if this angry fuckhead put his hands on you, you need to get far away, period.
    I don't go in for the "Oh, well, he only did it once, and he was angry" mindset, no way.  We had to do a 'brotherly intervention' because of similar bullshit, because my sister stuck around with a spineless loser....
  4. Juuuuust realized you asked for a guys opinion.....whoops.

    But even my guy friends would say that shit isn't right.

    Go kick ass at your new job, be beautiful, and find someone worth your time and effort.
  5. Oh I don't plan on going back to him.
    He's too weak for my taste, i'm just hurt by what he said.
  6. I don't mind that if girls give me their opinion. :)
    I just wanted to see if anyone can tell me why he'd call me baby and a bitch in the same sentence, it's odd to me.
  7. Because he's a fucking idiot? Duh =)
  8. VERY true. haha.
  9. He sounds like a confident asshole, that's what his last text is. Weirdly a lot of women are attracted to it.

    He is confident that he can still have you, but is still an asshole to you.

  10. Put his ass on block. If he starts stalking you or whatever tell him to fuck off and make a baconator, then get a restraining order on his ass. You need to sever all ties with that guy. 
  11. Oddly, he's a very depressed person. He's always sad or stressed, or mad.
  12. Depressed people can be confident assholes

    I'm great at acting like a confident asshole when I'm out to get numbers/laid, most ladies can't see past that until they are dating me.

  13. How about tell him to go fuck himself and move on. Dude sounds like a bitch taking his emotions out on you. You can do better and you can make something of yourself but in order to do that you have to be willing to change and let go of the things holding you back. Starting with that jerk.
  14. Baby and crazy bitch in the same sentence.  Going to be blunt here but... He is an abusive asshole who still wants to get in your pants.  Hopefully you can move on and cut all ties with this guy.  I know a girl who is in a horrible relationship right now and she wont leave the guy.  I don't know if she is scared or what but if a guy pushes you around like that then why stay?
    Guess i'll just leave it at that, otherwise I will ramble on forever.  Good luck and stay safe!
  15. Based on your avatar, you are a doll, lovely auburn hair.  Yeah, ditch this bum and focus on yourself and your own future for a bit...a decent guy (or girl) will come your way if you put those vibes out.
  16. Ew, I don't want to ever have sex with him, it was a job when we did have sex because he got wore out too quickly and couldn't finish, so I was NEVER satisfied. AT ALL. I want better for myself that's why he & I are no longer together. I just wanted to prove him wrong, that what he said wasn't true.
    He is a bitch, honestly. He's a very weak person. I want nothing more to do with him.
    Well, I don't like that. I prefer the sweet, sensitive, trustworthy, safe, loyal type.
  17. Thanks!
    I just want to be me for awhile before I get involved with another man. and I want an actual MANNN this time, no bullshit. haha.
    No need for thanks.
    That's a good plan. Go to (or continue...) school and get you own shit straight, that's job one.
  19. I'm 23, I have a job. i'm a housekeeper at a hotel. :)
    & I love it! It's seasonal though because my mom & I are moving to FL in the fall.
    So i'm pretty excited about my future, that's a start. :p
  20. wow, i can't believe girl like this exist and i'm so nice to girl and have trouble getting with girls.
    First of all, he has zero respect for you if you haven't figured it out. physically hitting you and you still want his approval and opinion? i don't know if you are a loser or whatever that's not the issue, but a guy that hits a woman is pretty scummy  and has zero morals and is a total piece of shit.
    then you you txt him and he disrespects you even more wtf. if someone disrespects you and is violent with you like it should be over, you definitely shouldn't b asking for his opinion. 
    edit if a woman physically hit me that'd be the last time i'd talk to her, physical violence just makes me think the other person is an ape because that's how monkeys deal with things, throwing feces at each other.

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