Third eye?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by MDgrower, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. So I've never practiced any meditations or attempted to open my "third eye". Tonight I was on my couch and out of nowhere I got a huge sensation in between my eyes and it's intense still going on!!! I could only think this is what other ppl were describing in the threads lol in kinda panicked cause I've heard of not so good experiences with evil but I then began to relax and realize it was actually a good sensation
  3. The underachievers rap about the third eye, mind expansion and all that hubaba. I don't know if I necessarily agree with their interpretation of it. I understand it from a pseudo yoga background. In yoga it's called drishti, which refers to the focused gaze. However I consider it a cosmic gaze into all that is happening. It only occurs when you relax all sensation in the body and lower the amount of energy you give to your thoughts so your not stuck in your head and you're able to be more receptive to the ongoings around you. I find that this cosmic gaze sensation really helps with balance, when I'm high lining I feel it tingle a lot because I focus solely on the action at hand and it requires a lot of focus. Sometimes when I focus on it a lot I see colors sometimes around people. Philip K. Dick wrote of a similar experience in his book Valis. Except he had a sci fi twist to it, he believed that a satellite was using a pink light to beam information into his brain through the third eye. I notice that people in yoga class are really sensitive to this. I've practiced it enough to be able to focus and get it going or turn it off. When I have it on, random people glance at me a lot. But when it's off, it's as if I'm not even there. It could be a coincidence or whatever. I don't know, I'm no expert on it just happenings I've noticed from time to time. Keep practicing and dig deeper, it's interesting stuff ;)
  4. #5 левша, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2015
    When im reading a good book the magnitude of the sensation is rather great.. And i can dial it down if i please by starting a separate activity.
    I usually dont get into this feeling, only when i am very relaxed and am in my zone. Doesn't heighten my awareness, but it puts me in a relaxed, sedated state. My thinking is more concentrated and clear, that's about it. I've never really Really, meditated like the type of stuff you see monks doing, I just sit and relax and I get to that certain pin point and it then can sortof lightly flow or spread through my body.
    It is interesting indeed, I'll be sitting without any weed or anything and it's almost like a sort of high but up on a more pure level.

  5. You have to concentrate and keep going you'll probably feel your self spiraling or vibrating after that your able to astral project but it takes time
    And practice

  6. I honestly never thought I would feel enlightened guys.
    It comes to those who are sensitive enough to feel it :) It's a pretty cool process but you can't hold onto it unless you practice developing yourself through your own virtues and intuition. The people who master it walk with grace. Some people have it naturally, some people are born into tough situation and come to it after wandering. My virtues differ from many and I'm constantly listening to what life tells me to work on. Life will speak to you in subtle ways if you pursue it further. It won't talk to you straight out, it'll just lightly give you signs that are significant to only you. I truly respect those people on the street who chose that path, they are in tune with something beyond me. Renouncing all social tensions of materialism and all else that comes with it, in order to listen to something deeper. It may seem like those folks have schizophrenia or whatever but I was at a MAPS conference and they were discussing how they use a certain sacred mushroom for therapy and they found that the schizoid effects of these mushrooms operate in the same part of the brain that spiritual experiences happen. Not a significant relation but it kind of made me look at those folks talking to themselves on the street differently. Weed is cool to show you the plane, however the mind must train to walk on it.
  8. I think you are having a stroke OP

  9. Haha I don't feel disabled bro
  10. But seriously I'm sort of meditating right now by focusing on my mind again and I feel it all over my body like tingling and I hear this shiny like noise. What should I do now? I'm going by what I feel
  11. #13 Account_Banned283, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
    Hearing shiny noises is usually a sign that you've let evil spirits into the vicinity - I'd leave town for a while and find a job as a waiter.
    EDIT; Or you could just stop watching David Icke video's, they aren't healthy. [​IMG]
  12. Don't think so it was more of an angelical shimmering type noise and I felt very calmed and relax not tense and super scared. Trust me I've felt that before but it wasn't the same
  13. I'm proud of you, and me too. For I have opened my brown eye. :poke
  14. The ringing is associated with either blood pressure in the ears or stimulation by electronic media devices. There was this study that showed watching video screens of any sort raises blood pressure due to the light stimulation to the optical nerves. There was many other side effects but that can cause the ringing in your ears to persist for about 90 minutes or so. Also if you're interested there is a book called "Dirty Electricity" by Dr. Samuel M. that demonstrates how electromagnetic frequencies fuck with our nervous system by stimulating it below the action potential threshold, causing a plethora of ailments. I've read in another book how to alleviate these electric build up in our nervous system is to walk barefoot on the ground to allow the minute discharge to be pulled into the earth, so meditate on the grass outside should help Similar to the grounding of an outlet in your house, if an irregularity in energy arises the charge goes to the earth instead of frying your electronics.
  15. Transcended into space and saw the akashic records on acid n nitrous..good times
  17. The third eye is a myth.

    All third eye evidence chalks up to "I know what I felt"


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