Do you believe in God? (please at least vote no reply needed..i need data)

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by HiddenReality, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. #1 HiddenReality, Apr 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
    Just curious as to the current numbers. Seeing some stats elsewhere and they're not where I expected them to be, so I'll post a poll here too. 
    Do you believe in God?

  2. shit i forgot the fuckin poll

    i'm way too high for this i think i just fcked the poll up
  3. wrong section[​IMG]
    and no, i do not
  4. ok it only took 10 mins., resume normal thead operations
  5. Oh, sorry. I I've asked this poll on several active / large forums, gonna go over the data as a whole from all the sites...really curious about some trends here
  6. After all my yapping about biochem and neuroscience and how life is essentially a perfectly explainable set of physical processes, I voted Yes.
    Well, ain't no sense in lying about it. In my mind, the the RNA World Hypothesis doesn't seem able to do molecular-cellular information encryption justice. I'm not convinced. And as far as God, I dunno. Ask me later. Then maybe I'll know a little more about what the fuck I'm talking about.
  7. #7 HiddenReality, Apr 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
    Not perfectly explainable...there are a fuckton of mysteries.
    For those voting no, do you believe we live in 1 universe out of infinite universes in an infinitely large multiverse (string theory / m-theory)? Keep in mind at one time we thought we were the only planet, the only solar system, the only galaxy, now the only..universe? I'm not so sure...
  8. We all know I don't do that voting shit, crooked and all.
    Earth is my God...So, yes and no.[​IMG]
  9. I believe we have this idea that we cannot test or prove. That is about it, real or fake I need other people to survive, not God. 
  10. Lol, funny, but seriously what do you think? I'm actually working on something here guys, I need opinions and votes :p Help me out my friends!
  11. Not big guy with a beard .but the universe, man. Wow...or maybe coincidences are just that.coincidences
  12. Yes

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  13. #14 SlowMo, Apr 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
    I don't actually believe anything as far as origins goes. I just play with possibilities. However, the biochem involved in life processes is so fantastically amazing, I think it almost has to be a choice between an infinite multiverse or a designing something(?). And that something has to somehow exist in a higher realm of reality than any of the evolving space-time-energy configurations. Whatever the hell that means. [​IMG]
    To me it's a toss-up. I do believe that the fact that the universe has the particular physical constants that it does - it's fine tuning, so to speak - almost demands one or the other. I can imagine either of them with about the same level of who-the-fuck-knows-ness.
    Given a multiverse - maybe even an infinitely populated one - life would eventually develop in some shuffling or combinatorial possibility of functional physical components and systems. Especially given the infinite (or at least, extremely high) variety of combinations of physical properties.
    The whole deal, of which our universe could be but a single instance, could be a dynamic foam of evolving spactime-energy bubbles (universes), each with its own particular configurations and principles of dynamics, some leading to what we know as life, while other manifesting inconceivable systems of space-time-energy.
    If not, I'd have to go with God because given the exponential probabilities of even simple sequential codes coupled with the ability to express them as highly integrated and interdependent structures. I have difficulty cramming the development of the kinds of encrypted coding and code execution present in even the simplest bacteria as taking a lot more than mere billions of years.
    Of course, I smoke a lot of weed so whatta I know??? lol  
  14. Yes I do

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  15. We're all fallen.
  16. God? Like Christian god? Or any monotheistic god? Polytheistic gods? Be specific man. Or are you asking if we believe there is a greater power that created us? My, answer, yes. However, my belief is nothing cookie cutter.
  17. being a muslim, i shouldve said yes i believe in god. i voted for superior being. just like everyone else, i'd like some proof too..
    not sure if its okay to be an evolutionist as well as believe in god, but, i mean..i kinda do believe in both. maybe god created the universe cause he was bored as fuck and wanted to judge some people and threw a bunch of religions at them, at which that point it doesn't matter which one you choose, cause god is judging your character. not how many times a day you pray, not how often you go to church, or if you wear a cross all the time, or if you're "saved" by jesus. he isn't a fireman. he's just a man who supposedly came back to life and did a bunch of historical shit.
    if you ask me, if heaven and hell exist, the god i imagine in my head would judge your character and your intentions. no one cares about the crusades, or about how mohammad slayed a bunch of people or how he was such a good man whatever. i dont care. 
    worry the fuck about you and make sure you're a good person deep, deep down. 
  18. Before I vote, I need to know what you mean by God. God means many different things to many different people...

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