Do you believe in God? (please at least vote no reply needed..i need data)

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by HiddenReality, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Yes. But I don't understand how he can send people to eternal hell. How can he do that to someone he created? Someone he put his love into?
  2. essentially they use probes to turn the cats eyes unto a video camera.

    They had a TV that was shoeing everything the cat looked at.

    But it was fuzzy and garbled, because the cat was also thinking

  3. #83 waktoo, May 14, 2015
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
    Sweet!  Who are "they"?
  4. understanding is god
  5. Seeing as you left out the don't care option, I'll vote no... which makes sense since I usually take the position of agnostic atheist for the sake of conversation here.
  6. #87 yurigadaisukida, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    there is no such thing as an agnostic atheist.

    Theist/deist means God/gods exists

    Agnostic means God can exist you don't know

    Atheist means God doesn't exist

    There really is no gray area there.

    Either you believe God exists. You believe he maybe exists. Or you dont

  7. #88 Dryice, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    There is actually. I really don't get how some people think atheism and agnosticism are mutually exclusive (even theism and agnosticism).
  8. #89 yurigadaisukida, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    please explain then. Instead dof jjust saying "there is actually" and then not explaining.

    As I posted there are only three options. And they are by definition mutually exclusive

    God exists. God maybe exists. God doesn't exist

  9. #90 -13 Amp-, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    Gnostic is from the latin word for know, it deals with knowledge...

    A is a prefix meaning without, so without knowledge is a-gnostic...

    So if you dont believe in god, but don't claim knowledge of it, thats agnostic atheist, thats what i personally am

    I dont say "GOD ISN'T REAL!", because fuck i don't know, but as of right now nothing compels me to believe in it, so im agnostic atheist

    The terms go hand in hand because one deals with belief (theist/atheist) and one deals with knowledge (gnostic/agnostic)...people can believe in something they don't know is real, that's where faith (belief without evidence) comes into play...
  10. #91 Dryice, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    Okay, sorry for being short with you - been kinda on edge today.
    Here's the deal... atheism and theism are metaphysical claims. You can actually argue that atheism isn't inherently a claim but we'll avoid that discussion for now (unless you want me to approach that).
    So here we go:
    Theism - There is/are god(s).
    Atheism - There isn't a god. (again I don't really like this adaptation of atheism, but for simplicity sake we'll just leave it at that)
    So again, these are metaphysical claims. Agnosticism and gnosticism are reflections of how firmly you believe those claims. You can actually apply agnosticism and gnosticism to any sort of ideology. I'm an agnostic republican (aka, I kinda deal agree with them, but they might not be right)... or I'm a gnostic republican (aka I firmly believe these guys are right).
    So apply the agnostic or gnostic adjective to these metaphysical claims you get;
    Agnostic theist: "I believe in god, but I don't know, maybe he doesn't exist."
    Gnostic theist: "God exists, I know this."
    Agnostic atheist: "I don't believe in god, but, heck, there could be!?"
    Gnostic (often referred to strong atheism or antitheism) atheist: "God, for sure, doesn't exist."
    When you say agnosticism and gnosticism are mutually exclusive from atheism or theism you're basically saying you can't use an adjective to describe a noun.
  11. I you are making up unnecessary labels.

    Gnostic theist? "I believe God probly exists but might not"

    That's still just agnostic...

    "I don't think there is a God but there might be"

    This is still just agnostic. Gnostic atheist is just silly

  12. #93 Dryice, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
    Saying you're agnostic or gnostic is meaningless unless it's attributed to a claim. "I'm agnostic" just means, "I don't know." It doesn't say anything about what you don't know about and presumably you could extrapolate "I'm agnostic" to meaning you don't know anything/aren't sure of anything, which is fine - but that doesn't really get you anywhere in the context of discussion.
  13. #94 yurigadaisukida, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
    this is not the case.

    Saying agnostic is the same as saying "I don't know if there is a God"

    The other information is irrelevent

    Saying "I think there is a God, but don't know for sure" in reality is identical to saying "I think there isn't a God, but don't know for sure."

    The label for your personal preference on probability is irrelevent. The effect is the same. You don't know and have no proof.

    You for some reason feel inclined to tell us your are leaning one way or the other, but that's silly.

    Labeling yourself a Gnostic atheist is admitting the possibility of god. Gnostic.

  14. I believe in a higher power, but not whats portrayed by churches and bibles. Tbh, i think the mass amount of people who claim to be
    abducted by e.t's or had contact with some sort of alien craft are the key to finding out how we humans were created. Keep in mind, this consists of testimony from military, police and normal people like you and I so it can't be too far fetched of an idea right?
  15. #96 Dryice, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
    You're allowed to believe whatever you want. We'll just disagree on this.
    So what is a Gnostic to you then? I'm curious.
  16. The thing about alien creation is that aliens still had to come from somewhere... it's possible that the aliens that created us (if they did in fact) also created the/our universe, but I don't really buy into it all that much. To me, the stories seem to be just a marketing ploy at this point, but I don't deny it's possibility.

    We really just don't know in the grand scheme of things, but looking at how much we've progressed in the last 50-100 years, we may have a pretty good understanding in the next 20-50 years; maybe. For now, it seems more reasonable to me to look at the Grand picture of life rather than focusing on one life creating other life..
  17. I already told you.

    There are only three options.

    Belief in God.
    No belief in God.
    Unsure either way.

    To me all these semantics are just there so people can argue or feel special for not being the common label.

    Gnostic vs agnostic
    Agnostic atheist
    Agnostic theist

    All BS. There is still only 3 options.

  18. #99 Dryice, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
    Again, you can believe whatever you want. But agnostic by itself is actually nonsensical unless you're describing nihilism/extreme skepticism. Granted it's automatically associated with the claim of god when you bring it up, that's not actually what it is - it's just a statement of to which degree you believe something is true... and you need a something to apply the agnostic trait to. That something is the claim of god's existence/nonexistence.
  19. #100 yurigadaisukida, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2015
    I see what your are saying now

    But in rreal life that doesn't actually.matter since 99.9999% of people will assume you mean "God" when you say agnostic.

    You are technically right if we are talking aboit grammar.

    We are talking about practical communication tho

    You'd be better off telling me ain't isn't a word


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