Weirdest thing happen to you while stoned?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by zigzagsundew5, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. My life is one real long trip I have determined but stoned my and Mr driving thru Oklahoma has smoked a blunt settling in for long 17 hr drive and 2 seat plane landed in front of us on the highway then same night,last county in OK and hit a deer..that trip was weird...
  2. Sitting outside of a friend's house. There's a Catholic school across the street. The gymnasium is closest to us, and the entrance is a giant plate - glass window. For whatever reason I was just staring at the window, when suddenly a deer bursts through the window from the inside and frantically runs into traffic and right past us, cutting through their driveway maybe 5 feet from us. I laughed uncontrollably until I eventually passed out.
  3. Getting shot n stomped out for dating a black girl back in o6
  4. #4 Mack D Rockefeller, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015

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