If you could smoke anywhere?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by WhiteDawg, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. If I did this I would have a terrible time. I would be all like: "Holy shit I am in outer space! I am not captain Picard, what the fuck am I doing!?"
  2. A beautiful ganja valley somewhere in India
  3. Real: The White House just so I can tell people I've gotten high in the White House haha
    Fake: The Shire from LOTR because it just looks so blissful and chill
  4. Don't they stretch to Alaska? When the legalize rec. over their I'm def going to catch a glimpse.

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  5. If we can talk about fictional places that we'd like to smoke, I think it's pretty safe to suspend belief for awhile and refer to space without thinking about all of the hold ups. It was about where you would like to smoke and not whether or not you could. If I was being realistic, I wouldn't have picked Jupiter in the first place because we don't even have adequate technology to transport people to Jupiter. 
  6. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1429108595.079581.jpg

    Today is going to be a good day.
  7. On a cliff over looking the sea munching some brownies while toking 
  8. I wouldn't mind puffing a j while resting my chin in Sanaa Lathan's ass crack....
  9. On top of the great pyramids at night!
  10. Mt Vinings Cemetary in Atlanta.     I miss blazin blunts up there on a hot summer night.  Crazy view, most beautiful weather.
  11. someone always has to be a downer...

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    why a cemetery?

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  12. In Swaziland, Africa
    srsly all women there r topless!
    oh and theyre renowned for their weed according to the title of a youtube video i read once
    It's not because it's in a cemetery, it's just a beautiful place atop a "mountain" with the most amazing view.
    I lived in ATL for a couple years and used to blaze there with my friends.
  14. any pictures?

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  15. I'd like to smoke anywhere before about 1986.  When it was still a special feeling.
  16. On a hang glider.... So I can really
    Be "high as a kite "
  17. The original question asked where on earth would you smoke, be it fictional or real. That excludes outer space.
    And I think I'm pretty aware of our space shuttle capabilities and how illogical it would be to attempt traveling to Jupiter with our current technology. You would age some thirty years or so round trip- which is why nobody tries to go that far until we can achieve significantly greater speeds- assuming you can pack that much stuff to survive for thirty years on a space shuttle, fuel, etc. Again, the limits of our capabilities- the list goes on. I was trying to avoid going in depth, but here we go... Near light speed for example, we could reach Jupiter in less than an hour, about 43-44 minutes, if my math is correct. If that were the case, we could smoke flying by Jupiter every day if we wanted to. Not that we would necessarily see Jupiter like we would through a telescope, if at all, depending on your frame of reference, distance from Jupiter, etc. Going that fast you would most likely fly right by it and hardly notice, vise-versa if you were hanging out in Jupiter's atmosphere, you wouldn't notice the shuttle flying by your planet. Mind you, that time frame above is only relevant to a piece of equipment that could immediately hit near light speed when leaving Earth. Our technology for this would be more along the lines of a very large, very expensive, and very high fuel consuming vehicle with massive engines, nothing like a shuttle you would imagine we make today and certainly nothing like futurama's planet express ship. This type of shuttle would have to be constructed in space, as it would not be very feasible to build on earth (space and gravitational restrictions apply) and the time it would take it to reach near light speed would be dependent on a whole ongoing list of variables, but I can assure you it would not be instantaneous. In order to make this large of a shuttle move at near light speeds, it would most likely be a combination of the engines that have been mounted and a type of "slingshot" technique to launch the shuttle around the planets to gain speed, as it would have a lot of mass you would benefit greatly in terms of gaining speed in shorter times/distances from doing this. Maintaining that speed would be another story entirely, varying based on gravitational pull of passing object, debris, neighboring solar systems you'll run into, etc. It would be seemingly very difficult to navigate traveling at near light speed. I mean, if you're off one degree on your flight plan you'll miss your mark by millions of miles- and that would be on a very short trip. Of course some of this is hypothetical as it has not yet been done by our species, but the math doesn't lie. Go ahead and take the numbers for yourself- lightspeed is 186,000 mps (miles per second), distance between the earth and Jupiter on average is about 489,000,000 miles, or 7.87 million km, or 5.26 AU (astronomical units, which is the average distance between the earth and the sun, which is ~93,000,000 miles).
    You could, however, leave Venus (in the proper vessel), achieve near light speed as you pass Earth, and theoretically be passing Jupiter within the hour. I suppose you could even get yourself caught up in Jupiter's orbit for the duration of your bowl smokage, just watch out any moons that might be around, they could be likely to throw you off your orbit.
    Oh and if traveling to Jupiter was realistic in this day and age, most of us probably wouldn't even live on Earth anymore, seeing as how we would have already figured out ways to colonize other planets, even if they're seemingly uninhabitable as a sort of "quick stop" on our way to a planet that's a little less hostile to us humans. Or interplanetary depots, or outposts for refueling and resupplying- allowing for smaller ships with new technology in order to achieve near light speeds without having to use the mass of an object in order to do so. Just saying, if I thought you were being realistic about "cruising" by Jupiter, we would be an entirely different civilization as a whole.
    And I'm not saying that none of this isn't possible, it is very much so possible, just not with our technology- it simply has yet to be created. As I mentioned earlier about a person's frame of reference, for all we know we "people" fly by our galaxy every day just "smoking bowls"
    I think I covered about everything I wanted to, mind you this isn't intended to be an argument or an attack, merely a discussion that's gotten off topic with the assumption from you that I don't understand anything or much at all about space travel. No hard feelings, just pointing out some theoretical situations you may have not considered.
    TL;DR: The original question was about Earth, not space- the fictional "district 13" was still on Earth if I'm not mistaken.
    Theoretically it would take ~30 years round trip to get to Jupiter, assuming you could pack to survive the entire trip.
    To get back on topic, I think Indonesia would also be a very interesting place to visit and definitely smoke bowls in. I don't know the legalities, but there are plenty of islands where there is nobody, let alone people who would care what you're smoking, I think.
  18. Thanks for basic facts that you gave me, but as a Behaviorist, I'm far more interested in how you determined from my comments that I didn't think you knew anything about space. I don't care what you know about space, but your last comment did clue me in on how much you know. I was answering a hypothetical question and you called me out, remember. Although, at this point, it seems like you might have been waiting on the opportunity to give out that information. I feel like any space comment would have elicited the same response from you 
  19. "If I was being realistic, I wouldn't have picked Jupiter in the first place because we don't even have adequate technology to transport people to Jupiter."
    I'm aware we don't have adequate technology to transport people to Jupiter. That comment alone is what told me you don't think I know anything about space. That's FAR more basic than anything I stated in my previous comment, seeing as how we've never sent a man to Mars, let alone Jupiter.
    If you care so little about what I know, then why try and jab at me? You seem to have an attitude for no reason, especially for not caring you're definitely responding quickly.
    I wouldn't have "called you out" as you say, had you answered the hypothetical question properly and based off of what was directly asked, not how you inferred the question. I'll say it again, Earth is separate from outer space.
    Like I've already stated it wasn't intended to cause an argument or be an attack towards you, but you are clearly taking it as such. This is probably a good stopping point for this conversation, since you act like everything is apparently basic knowledge. And yes, I study space just to wait for the moment that somebody brings it up in a random thread on a random forum on the internet- you've found me out.
    Now, instead of adding onto my point, or contributing back into the topic as I have tried- due to how irrelevant this is becoming, you've decided to focus on things to try and pick and prod at what I say and ask questions that really aren't even related to this already irrelevant conversation. Have fun with that, go ahead and keep trying to generalize people you don't know over the internet. It must do wonders for your thesis paper.

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