Pax vaporizer smell?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Domodragon, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. I live in a dorm, and I'm wondering if a pax will smell all that bad. I've used a vaporizer before and remember it smelling for like 10 seconds but after that almost not at all. Will the smell be stronger if I put it on high? Should I use a sploof/try to cover smell or will it not be bad. Thank you guys in advance! Stay toasty
  2. Fuck YA dude my pax smells a lot but the smell goes away way quicker like in an hour if it's for dorm security checks that you're worried just open your window and use it in your room and febreeze and scented candles you'll be fine.... Highly reccomended you look into preloaded ecigs that have thc in them.... Made mostly for dispensaries but a few companies sell them illegally and some are made in basements I have one from a local company and it takes 4 hits and I'm dusted it hits you after like 20 minutes tho

    The Vape life is the only life for me.
  3. The PAX is one of the smelliest portables on the market.
  4. Get:
    A Smokebuddy
    A Candle
    A Discreet Vape like an MFLB
    Fan to blow air out the window.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. tell them that you stepped on a skunk

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