Laws of attraction

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by BoldNewTaste, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Recently my girlfriend gave me a book to read called "The secret". For those who haven't read or heard of it the book is basically all about the laws of attraction which pretty much states that anything you can think of you can have or have happen to you. So my question is, Does anyone here practice this law of attraction and if so how have you used it in your life so far?

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  2. Seen the movie. I call bullshit.
    How does tht work out for starving ppl? Are they not wishing for food enough?
  3. It says people who die in plane crashes and other accidents even with mass casualties bring that upon themselves with negative thoughts

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  4. So even the babie born into a 3rd world mess and starves to death before it even reaches 12 years old...they thought themselves to death?....

    I'm sure when their stomaches are swelling up from not eatting they are wishing/wanting/dreaming of food more than you have ever wanted anything in your life...

    Law of attraction is bullshit, you work for what you get...hand outs are just hand outs, you can't wish your way to things...
  5. Well...i Know from experience that some people indeed use this Law for the betterment of themselves and the people around them..Although this doesnt necessarilly mean that it will work for all people...
    I dont think its a matter of odds that some people will it work for and others not..i think it has to do with spiritual Development and Awareness..and sometimes just sheer luck! That is the Rite indeed!
  6. I agree I feel it has a lot to do with how spiritually connected you are

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  7. Prostitutes seem to become VERY 'attracted' to me when I flash a wad of $20s, am I on the right track?
  8. Yeup!
  9. drink the kool-aid
  10. #10 Account_Banned283, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
    For those who haven't read the book - It's unnecessary to waste any money buying it, you simply have to imagine yourself buying it, and sooner or later it will fall into your lap.
  11. Typical Western pseudo-science BS with little merit or basis. 
    To echo what most of the above posters have pointed out, 'the Secret' franchise really only shows examples that feature capital/consumer goods (a necklace in the jewellers for example). Of course they're not going to hand this out to people living in poverty, people with incurable illnesses and so on because they know that it won't work. 
    It's a typical first world response to first world problems. 'Think positivity' is a mass deception of the West. 
  12. What are some examples of using the 
    what are some examples that people may use these laws of attraction ? people may do it and not even know they are. [twitter]MoneyKushman[/twitter]
    A positive attitude in life is a huge deal, I know from experience, when my attitude sucked, all my actions sucked.
    But that doesn't mean that happy thinking is going to make anything fall into my lap. XD
    Or ignorant, how is an engineering accident like you described in the post before this anyone's fault who died because of bad thoughts. You need serious help, or serious education, or both. I know there was an error that caused the track not to switch rails so the trains hit, but it was the passengers' fault because they had negative thoughts. Do you realize how crazy that is? Do you even know right from wrong? You might actually be legally insane, or just really uneducated. It is tough to tell these days. 
  15. It doesn't work for everything. Just some things. That makes it not a law right?
    I acknowledge that you as an individual chose to have positive thoughts which is your choice, after all what would we be without free will? [​IMG]
    My final sentiment (mass deception of positive thinking) was a reference to all the new pseudo-science, new age 'thinking' and industries that ultimately sell the methods needed to become happy, which is usually 'positive thinking'. And what infuriates me about the people who sell the idea of positive thinking is that do the exact same thing as religion; that is to say, if the positive thinking doesn't alleviate your problems, you're most likely told by the source (the self help book, the film, the peddler etc) that you weren't trying hard enough and just to think MORE positively next time. This reminds me of when I told a priest in school that my prayer didn't help, I was told to pray harder and have more faith. So the problem will always go back to the person. A person who will inevitably buy more books, courses, watch more tv.. whatever. It's all lies.
    If someone tells me they have the secret answer to all my problems, and then tells me they'll sell it to me, I immediately discount it as bullshit.
    That goes for basically any type of advice on the internet.
  18. That book is ridiculous.
    Oh you can have a Ferrari sitting your driveway the next morning.
    They sold a ton of books.

    However, the concept they preach is true.

    I've done my own experiments, on little things like Bic lighters of a specific color, and sure enough it does bring them to you.

    As for ferraris, I'm still driving a kia.
    Thanks to happiness being used as consumable product, a lack of critical thinking being encouraged and what not.. a lot of people will buy into this utter nonsense. 
    If they were all like you, there wouldn't be a problem [​IMG]
  20. I have the dvd but watched it on Youtube lol I saw it once and I liked a lot of it.

    I'll take it for what it is

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