Crushing On a Friend

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by infamus23, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone I'm new here and I have a question,

    Since we started college back in January, me and this girl became friends fast, and I've developed romantic feelings for her.

    We hang out all the time at school and we've hung out at her place, we just watch netflix & smoke weed nothing romantic or anything but she always mentions dates she goes on and guys she likes and it kinda bothers me because I've never been on a date before and I have a crush on her.

    So my question is should I cut off all contact abruptly before the friendship gets any further? I've thought about quitting school to fully get away and because of my own anxieties but she always wants me to stay in school when I mention to her that I`m thinking about quitting (she doesn`t know the real reason I want to leave) but I want to cut off all communication quickly (facebook, getting a new phone number etc) to spare the heartache
  3. That's a tough one since every situation is unique.  If I were in your situation, instead of running, just tell her how you feel.  Since you already want your friendship to end, ask yourself.  What do I have to lose?  You never know what could come of it.  Trust me, tell her.  You don't want to be wondering your whole life, what if?
  4. It's obvious that he's in the friendzone since she talks about dudes she's into around him.  Oh and that's a horrible reason to stop's always hard at first but it'll be worth it if you start making progress. Don't give up OP
  5. Doesn't seem that obvious.  I have been seeing a friend lately and we have talked about past relationships and ones we are currently seeking.  Its nice to be open with each other and not have a 'dark area' in our relationship.
  6. This.

    My current wife was my 'friend' and told me about dates she went on.

    This may sound super silly but I never showed any romantic interest in her at first because she was 'marriage material' and I wanted to be single. So we hung out as 'friends' and eventually I got sick of her dating and (while thinking the last sentence in the post I quoted) I told her I was sick of hearing about her dating these losers that would go nowhere because friends make the best lovers and I wanted her, to be with her, and i thought i could spend my life with her happily. 14 years and 2 kids later....
  7. I say she is definitely interested in you and wanted you to be the first to break the ice. So express your feeling for her and don't delay this too much or you will regret. 
  8. Just because a girl talks about past relationships and such doesn't mean they're in the friend zone . sometimes that just means she's just trying to be open about it and maybe get a reaction to see how you might feel about it . some girls just like to read the way you react because they wanna see if you show signs that yr into them . but that's just a different way of flirting I guess , haha . very contradicting , but it may not always be what it seems like .
  9. That moment when OP looks like Biz
    Make Biz much taller, a bit broader, and fix his'd be pretty close.
  11. The trick is to arch your back so yer nuts really hang out there on proper display then
    Comes the slow rhythmic methodical wagging
    if she can resist that shit bro... wasn't ment to be
  12. I know that I'm terribly ugly too, probably why I got friend zoned too
  13. Ugly don't mean shit
    Wag em at her dog go for it!
    If it doesn't work it wasn't ment to be!
    I'm serious bro!
  14. I look like a tweaked out nazi chimpanzee n my wife's a dime
    WAG EM!
  15. #15 WherezMyLighter, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2015
    Yeah bro you're friendzoned.

    It would be one thing if you guys have had sex out of romantic friendship / lust, but if you haven't even fooled around I don't understand how you could be "crushing." It sounds to me you like her personality and want someone to be intimate with.
  16. I don't think she would be talking about other dates if she were interested in you.
    Idk maybe some girls do that but i think its confusing as fuck. You can always try to ask her out but the friendship might not be the same.
  17. terribly ugly wtf?

    That smile alone can get you places, pause. Seriously I feel the same way about myself and I get friendzoned. I think we both need to work on confidence/self-esteem. Most women dont like guys if the guys dont like themselves.

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