Ron Paul vs. Rand Paul - CNN Reports

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Without medicare my 1.5 mil in docs bills wouldnt have got paid because I got sick a week before my insurance kicked my meds are a grand a month so im kinda biased on medicare..whats rands stance on medicare now? Still gut everything? Havent read up on anything lately
  2. I don't need to suck titties when I get fucked in the ass everyday.

    I was talking about reaping benefits without needing them. If you need, them use them but don't take advantage of it. Sure we all rely on the state government for schools, you wouldn't have sick days or vacation days if you didn't have a job that you personally put money into to get. Your city tax and state tax goes towards the roads and keeping your water clean. Keeping your community nice...

    The precious government food is filled with poison along with the fluoride in the water. Do you really think they care about you? Yes it's been going on for a long time it's not just liberals or conservatives fault. For that one but honestly do you think they give a damn about you or any of us? We are all disposable, instead of them working for us it has changed to them running us.

    Unnecessary spending from both parties have occurred but tell me why does Obama needs to take 30 million dollar vacations (and that's just one petty example)? How many starving people could eat or have a roof over their heads? Which would you rather pay into? Truely helping people or paying for someone to have a very expensive vacation? This is the shit I'm talking about.

    How about Obamacare sure everyone has insurance but how is that benefiting you?

    I'll tell you how it benefits me! Lmao
    I started working full time and at my job you have to have insurance. Well I was kinda excited at first until I realized that my minimum wage job i should have been making around 400 a week drastically went down and I would get 150 taken out of my paycheck every two weeks. 300 dollars a month going towards something I didn't want but am being forced to pay for, the Obamacare insurance is a fucking joke I probably still have the paper that actually shows it isn't worth a fuck. Pay 6000 a year before you can go to the doctor at a discount price! Cheap right? I make more money working part time and not having to pay for insurance. Pretty amazing plan isn't it?

    It shouldn't be a fight between liberals and conservatives. Shouldn't we fight for each other instead? Sure we may never see eye to eye I'll always think America will be ran into the ground one day no matter who is in office, democrats will just get us all there faster.

    I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, I'm sure your a good person we just have different views on things and that's ok since this is America we can "debate" or whatever you want to call it. But still nothing that you or I will say doesn't mean shit to each other or anyone else really seems like you and I are hard headed and pretty stubborn. It's a good thing stick up for what you believe in and fight for it but What we are talking about right now won't make a change. Best way to put your opinion out there is to vote.
  3. You should be able to get the help you need, nothing was wrong with our healthcare system other than people not being able to get insurance if needed. It should have never been mandatory for everyone to have.

    Being in debt over medical expenses will never be held against you. That was the problem, that's why it's now mandatory for everyone to have insurance because the government felt they were being ripped off. One way to fix that problem is to charge everyone.
  4. Lol lots of anger in here recently
  5. #45 Penelope420, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    Right. Not having to pay for insurance is great. Until you need medical care and the rest of is have to pay your way.

    But again, you wouldn't suck on anyone's titties, so I'm sure you have several hundred grand in the bank in case you do have an unplanned health emergency. Since you don't need the ACA.

    And what in the holy fuck does Fluoride have to do with the federal government, or the presidential elections? That's not even a state government decision.
  6. Well you brought up water so I was just keeping the conversation going haha

    Far from it, but like I said before multiple times if you need help you should be able to receive it. But not take advantage of it. If you have a health emergency and no insurance that sucks! but when you are completely fucking broke like I am and unable to Afford it then what do you do? I don't want to be dependent on the government anymore than I have to. Maybe it's a fault of mine and one day get me killed. But what is out there for people like my family that live pay check to pay check and still make to much for any assistance? Sure we probably don't need that cable TV or that bag of weed, maybe I could afford insurance then. My life would be miserable but hey you got pos insurance coverage! Managing what we have now is hard enough and I know My family isn't the only ones going through this. So I ask you how can people afford the money being put into insurance 300 a month for just me not my family. Well there goes your food and little bit of luxury but hey Still got that insurance tho. Do you think that is liberty?
  7. If the Americans end up having to choose between Clinton and the likes of Ted Cruz, well...that makes my choices as a Canadian look enviable :p
  8. I feel he stabbed his father in the back when he fell off his train of support. Its still choosing between the lesser of 2 evils at this point, which i will not do. I want a solid candidate. But a smart man once told me the man smart enough to be president is also smart enough not to take the job, as they are all marionettes.

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  9. #49 Penelope420, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    The ACA is based a concept developed by the Heritage Foundation, which is about about as conservative republican as you can get. Why is it conservative? Because it specifically charges everyone.

    It's weird how two posts ago, you were complaining that you were being charged for something that now you say everyone should charged for. What in the hell?

    And yes, dear, having unpaid medical expenses does "go against you". I guess you don't know anyone who had to file for bankruptcy because of medical bills they couldn't afford? Where do you get this stuff?
  10. #50 Penelope420, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    So you're broke, and can't afford health insurance? If you were to get a major illness or have a major accident, how would you pay for it? Since you don't suck off anyone's titties...
  11. I said the Government wants everyone to pay. No republican has backed Obamacare so who are the greedy ones?

    Really because medical expenses never went towards my credit score.
  12. Make payments by dipping into my social security, before it gets taken away anyways
  13. I'll suck my own titties👅👅👅
  14. #54 Penelope420, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    Again... If you can't afford health insurance, who would end up paying your way if you had an accident or medical illness you couldn't afford to pay for out of pocket?

    And yes.. Medical debt absolutely goes against your credit score. Seriously... Where do you get this shit?
  15. I like what he stands for. Anything is better than Hillary. God no!

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  16. That's what I'm saying I can't afford health insurance and I can't get help, so I'm fucked your completely right.

    I've never had medical go against my credit score, even after not paying when I couldn't. But I've never been felonious on making payments I've always tried to set up something to get them paid so maybe it just didn't go against me.
    Thats why Marco rubio is a perfect canditate too. You dont support him you must hate mexicans
  18. So you rely on others to pay their bills while you"make payments"? If everyone deferred payment (as you have), how would hospital would actually be able to stay in business?

    Tell me more about those liberals sucking off other people's titties?
  19. I'm far from angry lol maybe Penelope420 is idk, I wasn't trying to piss anyone off. We all have different opinions and ideas on how things should be ran. Doesn't mean that I don't like them for not thinking the same way I do. It's what makes a very interesting conversation. She feels passionate about how she thinks and I do also and learning things in the process. We are just people having a conversation.
    It's easy to hate Mexicans, just ask Hannity and the other turds.  Nevermind that Rubio is of Cuban decent.

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