Can 1 cfl produce alot of cherry tomatoes

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by fruit/veggiegardener, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. im curious i seen a video on youtube of someone getting 20 tabasco peppers off a single cfl .I was wondering if i decided to make a micro grow box with one cfl what else would produce a lot of fruit off one cfl tomatoes?

  2. i would say no...
  3. yeah maybe your right that'd be crazy if you could
  4. The most you could do with one CFL (Even the fat, 200W ones) is grow yourself some real nice cabbage or lettuce or something of the sort.  Maybe.
  5. i got a ounce of lettuce seeds .I might try that i also got micro toms and mini belles to grow .Im sure cfls could produce some great results

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