Brown spots on leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by boulderguy, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Hey guys,
    I'm a first-time grower and I have a single plant (sprouted from seed).
    I'm growing in soil in a flower-pot indoors. My lighting is two CFL bulbs, 24-hours, and the plant is doing rather well, except that it developed dark dry spots on the bottom leaves (pictures attached).
    I've been adding Bio-Grow fertilizer ( every other watering can. 
    A few more things:
    - The plant isn't touching the lights, I've made sure of that.
    - The temperature here is comfortable, so there shouldn't be any heat stress
    - There's a fan that's gently blowing on it, and I turn the plant every once in a while so it blows on a different side.
    - I'm using tap water to water it.
    - The top leaves look healthy and green, and I'm still getting good growth (pic attached)
    Any thoughts on what might be wrong?
    Thanks in advance!


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