Mental Health

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by FreshGrass, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. I started smoking weed a year ago now.At the start it was really enjoyable but as winter came along it just stopped being thag enjoyable and I experienced alot of paranoia and anxiety.Recently I've been smoking a good bit more and I feel like it's damaging my mind.I feel it's making my very narrow minded and making me,for a lack of a better description,dumber.I get quite bad mood swings and I feel I'm mentally unstable.I had a panic attack for the first time from smoking weed. It was after I had come down from being high and I felt like I was going insane.I don't know what to think anymore.Just looking for some help,all is appreciated. Thanks
  2. The weed that is grown today, for the most part, is so filled with THC, that it lacks the chemicals which provide protection against paranoia and other undesirable effects from smoking.  This is due to crossbreeding,  and unnatural growing methods, which are used to maximize yield, THC content and profits  in non-tropical climates such as North America.  If you could smoke weed that's grown outdoors in the type of climate that is best for growing it, such as Central America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, etc., your problems would probably not exist, or would be far less bothersome.  
  3. Thanks for the response garrison.That would be ideal but unfortunately just isn't a realistic prospect for me at the moment.
  4. I doubt the weed now days is much different from that which you enjoyed last year.  If an activity is no longer enjoyable maybe stop doing it?
  5. It isn't possible for 99% of us, lol.  Maybe someday it will return, and we call all smoke our brains out without having these undesirable side effects associated with what is currently available.  
  6. #6 SlightlyStonedSD, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    OP what are you getting anxiety about? Maybe you have some issues to work out and Maryjane is getting that process started.
  7. What do you mean "is so filled with THC"?
    You do realize weed isn't all that much more potent than it was 30 40 years ago...right?
    When they were testing it back then they used 10+ year old samples as well as using heat as the testing method which obviously destroys cannabinoids.
  8. I don't need lab results to know the average weed today is much stronger than the average weed 30-40 years ago.  Sure there was some good pot back then too and it was nice when it came along.  Having said that, we got just as high back then smoking poor quality as we do now smoking the good stuff because tolerance wasn't such an issue.
  9. #9 CanadianOrganic, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    Maybe slightly stronger, but people have been breeding cannabis for thousands of years. I fail to see how they increased THC three-fourfold in 30 years.
    Breeding is still the exact same as it was.
  10. i've smoked for about as long as you have, and i understand you. 
    i took a 1 1/2 month break and about 3-4 weeks into it, i was thinking much clearer, and i was also a lot more positive and productive.
    i also smiled more, laughed more and had a more positive overall mindset.
    thinking about it makes me wonder why i even bother smoking since all it seems to do is make me a sleepy, unproductive couch potato.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. I think that's whats happening it's revealing alot of insecurities and problems in my life that I'd normally dismiss and just sweep under the carpet.I guess the best thing to do now is go about eradicating these things.
  12. This video really cleared up alot for me.Reassuring to hear it from someone else and pinpointing exactly how im feeling.Sorry if posting external links like that is against forum rules.
  13. I was talking about the stuff of today being deficient in cannabinoids, due to over breeding and crossbreeding.   It's become a regular topic on GC, with numerous threads by members complaining about paranoia and anxiety - and not always from the strongest strains, or oversmoking, either.     
  14. #14 CanadianOrganic, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    One of the well-known side affects of (sativa?) is paranoia. It's just certain strains, it was like that twenty years ago and was probably like that 200 years ago.
  15. Kids nowadays are total head cases.  I don't think it's the weed. 
  16. #16 garrison68, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    Twenty yeas ago, most of the weed was domestic, you have to go back further to when the imports were the majority of weed that was consumed in America.   
    I understand what you're saying, I knew people that "caught the horrors", 40 years ago, from some weed, but it wasn't that common. 
     This website is not representative of the average person who smokes weed.  Most people prefer less powerful stuff than the types that are the most popular here.  
  17. I think they need good Mexican, NOT dirt weed, but the delicious strains of yore.  That pure sativa is the best thing for people who are fucked in the head, depressed, or just not in sync, lol.   
  18. #18 CanadianOrganic, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    Fair enough. I am glad you didn't think I was arguing with you. Merely conversing and learning [​IMG]
  19. The other thing that I recommend, since threads with these concerns show up almost every day on GC, is to smoke extremely small amounts.  Do not smoke blunts, bongs, vapes, large one hitters or even joints.  Smoke a tiny amount in a pipe, just a couple of grains, and wait for a half hour to see how you're doing.  If all is OK, then try a little more, and eventually you'll know the correct amount for your comfort level. 
  20. Kids? Have you read the news lately? The entire goddam world is full to the brim - overflowing, even - with adult idiots and assholes. Hell, they run the nations. The run the religions. They run the economies. They run like fucking diarrhea. The accounts of their lunacy dominates each day's so-called news. Ain't no wonder kids are fucked up. The entire world is turning into one huge bag of shit with only the promise of more of the same for a future. 
    Other than that, everything's cool.

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