what favourite games to play when high?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by FueledByCannabis, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. mine is farcry 4 at the moment and metal gear solid what's yours?
  2. Please use the search function. This thread has been made thousands of times.
  3. if someone were to post in a previously made thread, their comment will most likely be ignored or overlooked. So it's Not really efficient
  4. That is incorrect. You are way more likely to be ignored for starting the same thread for the billionth time.
    That's not how it works but I understand how you could think that. I'd be happy to break it down for you.
  7. well I'm speaking from experience. I find threads from a year or more ago and I add my piece and I never get an answer. This happens to me every time. Besides, it's not a big deal. If you don't like seeing multiple similar threads, you have the ability to ignore it. Either way, I have my views you have yours. You're Not going to convince me otherwise. Neither me to you. So I'm going to end this conversation with a have a nice day
  8. #9 Vicious, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    I also have the ability to report it and likely have it closed for being a duplicate thread. I was being very polite in trying to give you advice and it seems like you don't give a shit about common etiquette and refuse to give any regard to what we say. You're going off anecdotal evidence and you are wrong. When a thread pops up, we see when there is a new post and most people check it; new thread or old. If you contribute and offer good content people will respond and continue conversation. Making new threads buries old conversations, many that already answer questions that may be asked or present valuable information in general. When new threads are made constantly information is repeated over and over. You may think its fine at the moment but seeing the same thread weekly or even every other day becomes tiring and it the same content every time. It flood the page with regurgitated information and repeated content instead of contributing to an existing thread. Original content and new threads are great. The same thread over and over again isn't.
    You should search. This is forum posting 101 and has been for decades. If that is too much for you at least check a page or a couple back and see if it's already made. Even if you think you're entirely right, surely you must agree a there's no point of making a dupe thread when there is already a fresh one on the page or a couple days old. Point being is look. This thread is extremely common. Look at the main page and consider what I've said and look at Bloodborne as an example. There is no reason to have 3-4 threads.
  9. read a few sentences, then realized you got too serious and you're taking a weed forum too seriously lol. You kind of wasted your time there buddy, as I said previously, no mmatter what you say, It won't change what I do. Go ahead abd report a duplicate lol idc, I'll just make a new thread. Didn't know you were going to get all Moody and grumpy over posts in a forum, but I guess you're just sensitive. Maybe try smoking a joint and relaxing a bit. Take it easy bud
    I'm as mellow as a cucumber. Simply trying to point you in the right direction but seeing as you're the "muh weed forum" type person I can't really say too much. No logic I throw out there will convince you that you're wrong. I'm not moody or grumpy, just trying to shine some common sense your way.
    I'm not trying to be a dick about it.
  11. you don't have to try, it mist be coming naturally. I'm just saying you do you and I'll do me. You're making a big deal out of nothing. Multiple threads on a weed blog? That's some petty shit to get worked up about.
  12. Man I understand your point of view but it's the rules so just stick to them.

    Sent from space using a banana
  13. Any cod or baseball or anything!!!

  14. This is one of those "something over nothing"  issues. 

    Green Panther is all about "see my post bro!!", which many of us can understand, and Vicious is all  "Respect the forums brah!!112" 


    How about that skydiving in GTA tho?
  15. #16 burned one, Apr 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2015
    Still though. If the whole of GC becomes like apprentice tokers (it seems to be heading that direction) I'm out. I won't be happy about it, but I will be out.

    Edit: GC is like the earth. If you just throw trash everywhere then eventually no one cares about throwing more trash on top of the already existing trash. Then we're all stuck wading through waist-deep trash just to go buy a pack of zig zags and a coke at the corner store.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN2uNE8uNOo
    this as of late. the soundtrack is tight when high
  17. The butthurt in this thread is real

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  18. I like to think of it as community promoted quality control.
  19. Sorry boys haven't been on in a bit. Didn't know you were all still going on about it. But sure I was wrong, I get it now. Happy?

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