6 month probation

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by XxGanjaSmoker420xX, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. So I posted my story about getting caught at school a few weeks ago and I went to court today and they offered me 6 months probation and 25 hours community sevicewith a $225 fine so If I accepted that I wouldn't have to proceed with a hearing so I just accepted it so now I gotta quit for 6 months but I was thinking if I just quit for a month or 2 then smoke occasionally Cuz my po is real nice saying I seemed good and if I don't have a problem then he wouldn't really worry about me that much so what's a good way to pass a drug test like buying fake Urine or detox pills or what?

    So please blades help me out and give me something I could buy to pass drug test Cuz my plants flowering and I couldn't wait till summer so ican smoke smoke smoke but now it's fucked and what would happen if I didn't pass a drug test?

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  2. If you're gonna be ballsy and try to get fake the funk on a UA, spend the money and buy a whizzinator. That's what I did, and passed like 20 UA's over 3 years - many with a dude staring right at my unit!
    If you wanna rely on old tricks like detox drinks and pounding water and b12 stuff to pass a piss test....I'd get ready to squirm like mofo when you get a UA dropped bc there is a good chance you'll fail it. Then your PO will have a magnifying glass on you. 
    So either quit or get a fool proof plan. Half assing it aint the way to go when you're on probation. 
  3. How soon after your court date did you get the letter from your PO?
  4. So 2year probation you got,going by the amount of posts lol
  5. lol my bad for all the post idk why it did that but no I went to go to court but they offered me a choice if I want to countinue with a hearing and will most likely be found guilty for paraphanellia or possession even tho I had nothin but resin in a jar so I took the offer

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  6. Why don't you just quit for 6 months? It's cakewalk compared to my 3 years felony probation.
    I saved a shitton of money not smoking for 3 years. Bought a lot of cool stuff...
  7. I would like an answer for my question bruh lol I just started probation yesterday so I'm just wondering when I'll be receiving the letter for the first meeting
    It's not like his PO is your PO bruh.
  9. Haha my bad but nah I didn't get a letter I had to go to court so I though I was gonna see a judge and have to go through a bunch of shit but we went into some guys office and said were gonna make a offer and if you don't accept you'll continue you to your hearing but then I accepted and met my Po right there and he was real chill

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  10. I know, but I just wanted a rough estimate. I didn't know if its the PO themselves that send out the letters or if the court sends it out.
    Lucky, I wish that's how mine played out. Now I just gotta wait anxiously to get the letter
  11. #11 The Magnificent, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2015
    I've been pissing for about six months now. I got caught as well, by my parents. They gave me two options... Stop smoking and (piss once a month) or move out of the house. Yeah... harsh. Life is tough.
    At first you may think you have to quit for good, but no. It really depends how often you have to take a urine test. Lets say it's 30 days between each test.
    Day: 01           (Test)
    Day: 01 - 03    ([​IMG]
    Day: 04 - 29    (Drink lots of water all the time, eat healthy, try to piss as much as possible and try to exercise daily.
    Day: 30           (Test negative)
    Day: 01           (Repeat cycle)
    Another tip, when you take the urine test, try to catch the middle stream since it contains less, yeah... THC and other shit. Stay away from the "pass a drug test" kits, usually bs.
    Take care bro! 
  12. Mind me asking how old you are?

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  13. Eh, cruel. I was dealing with that crap when I was 14-15, now I'm off the hook. Threats like that although I'm not judging your circumstances make kids resent there parents. From experience. Butt, just do what you gotta do my man, although I still don't let it seap in, someone told me theres a time and a place for everything. Don't trip

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  14. Haha thank you bro that's what I was thinkin on do but didn't know if I'd work out to great but I know I didn't wanna stop for 6 months

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  15. I also forgot to mention my po wants to come in my house and make sure everything's good and in living conditions but I havea grow downstairs and have 3 dogs so would he check downstairs if I put the dogs down there so he won't go down or what he said he'll be in an out just to make sure everything's good

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  16. dude....DUDE!!!!
    do not fuck this up.
    you realize you can go to jail if you break the rules of probation. more then that they will have you by the nuts for the next 2 or 3 years. what would you rather do not smoke bud for 6 months or 2 or 3 years? 
    it is possible to pass a court mandated urine drug screen. but it isn't fool proof and it isn't easy. not only that, if you  do fail you are fucked. fucked, fucked, fucked, fucked. all over a bit of bud. you go into the joint with that over your head and they will put a dress on you and call you Mary. 
    jokes aside, if you do decide to smoke while under the care of your local court you are gambling a fuck ton. your future in fact. all over a bit of bud. come on man. just tough it out bro. 6 months ain't shit. just man up and roll with the punches. you can handle it. [​IMG]  
  17. #17 XxGanjaSmoker420xX, Apr 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2015
    Fuck man my summers ruined idk what the fuck to do honestly there's never anything to do in the summer but chill with friends and smoke bud and do shit with them but they're gonna be smoking bud and j can't so it's gonna suck other than my other friend who's in it with me when we got caught

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  18. You can't just chill with friends without weed?
  19. Well yea but it's not the same Cuz we won't be on the same level fucking around but idk

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  20. it's not like weed is addictive. Just quit for 6 months. You can even think of it like a T-break.

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