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Corners or Snaps?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rocksmith, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. For those who don't know either of these: corner is lighting only a part of the bowl in order to share the good green weed to others, and snap is filling the bowl enough to cash in one hit.

    Now that I've explained that, which do you prefer? What are the pros and cons of each?
  2. Snaps r better because cornering is whack.
  3. Big snaps :)

    Sent from Samsung Galaxy S4 Active
  4. Neither, I just load a bowl. Whoever loads it gets the green hit if they want it. Anyone gets pissed or don't like it then they can load the bowl out of their own sack or stfu.
  5. Weed.

    Doesn't matter to me for the most part. I like doing snaps. But I smoke under moon light and can't see enough outside for multiple packings. so I pack a big bowl and corner it
  6. Snaps by myself, cornering with others.
  7. Snaps all the way. I don't want some turd I'm sharing with to burn the entire top of a freshly packed bowl like its the thing to do.
  8. I pack snaps for me and my girl well basically a bowl to the face lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Saying that one is better than the other is just plain idiotic in the first place. If I load a big bowl and someone comes in my house and takes all the green off the top they're leaving immediately after. If I'm loading a big bowl everyone is going to corner it because it conserves weed while also delivering big rips, so everyone can get at least a few big hits off of one bowl. Snaps are nice too because everyone gets greens and a big hit, but it's really slow for group smoking. People have preferences, one is never undeniably better.
  10. So why don't you just get rid of the word better since obviously it is fucking idiotic. Like why do those goddamn bitches keep the word the better around when it's just idiotic to ever use? U should make your dictionary full of non idiotic words.
  11. Blunts all day.

    I rarely smoke out of glass, but I do have a bong I load hash snaps into... That shit's tight!
  12. Alright twist my words into whatever fucked up illogical absurdity you'd like. I'm explaining how when two things are both good and have their own pros and cons, neither can truly outweigh the other. It depends on the persons preference and what they're used to doing, so it's pointless to debate something like this when everyone already knows the pros and cons and they know what they like already so it's just a big shouting match without a winner. You took what I said andddd... I guess you tried to make an argument? I hope that's progress.
  13. hash snaps?? Care to explain?? Like loading a chunk of bubble hash and trying to take it in one hit? Or loading a little bit of weed and then oil or whatever?
  14. I just can't do blunts. I feel wasteful. You can get like 2-3 bowls for 1 blunt. I'll be way better with 2-3 bowls than a blunt
  15. Ye
    Exactly. I make hash with my trim and always seem to have a lot of it just...around, I guess.
    So I'll throw some on a small layer of weed and clear it in one, o. I'll just throw globs into a pipe and rip it every so often.

    Shoot, if I dry sift it, I'll even just roll a hash joint sometime. Next time I do, I'll be sure to post a thread or something.
    If you grew your own, you'd feel differently.
  16. Ya I don't grow. I don't want the risk of a felony where I currently live. When I move to Oregon at the end of the year, I'll defintely start doing research on growing.
  17. right lol, I have only contributed weed to a joint/blunt a couple of times. The one time I rolled my own fat blunt to share with a couple friends one of them took in two enormous hits fucking wasting half of the thing and not holding in the hit at all. way too wasteful to do, but then you see videos of people attempting to take 10 gram dabs so I don't feel nearly as wasteful.
  18. Corners with my homies
  19. I normally corner a bowl when im with others, and take snaps when im alone 

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