Heist GTA V Thread

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by BlazedRower6, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. #1 BlazedRower6, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2015
    Hey looking for PS4 owning guys to play GTA V heist with. 25% to all. Must have mic. Psn: Judgecrusader6
  2. Looking for X1 players.
  3. Hey man I'm trying to do dome heists are you on?
  4. I will tommorow work had me beat so i slept all day.
  5. Anyone trynna do the humane lab heist idont care bout my cut
  6. Get at me if you're on PC.
  7. Fucking hate how you cant heist yourself on single player
  8. So just jumped back on my 360 to check this out a little. If anyone's trying to squad add: WheresMyLiGHT3R
  9. I haven't touched GTA since before heists got released. How is it?

  10. #12 dekabos, May 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
    Heists suck/are impossible without a good crew to rely on. Hence why we're all here [​IMG] Anyone on PS3? I'm spearpanda. Let's stack some paper.
  11. Makes sense lol

    Xbox one gamertag: BackdoorAlex2

    Add me on xbox one guys, my gamertag is
  13. Who has PS3 here???
    Please help me complete heists.... so many fucking idiots, so many failed attempts. My fucking god.
  14. Stuck on the Prison Break, Station
    In fucking credible
    ASSHOLES! i hate these motherfuckers that cant play for shit man, fuck >.<

    :T meh
  15. I even made it to the actual prison break heist...then motherfuckers couldn't figure out to walk, not run, to keep up the cover. Ugh.
    What's your PSN name?

    Add me, I'm spearpanda. Let's get some work done. [​IMG]
  16. I sent you a request [​IMG]

    Do you have at least two other people on your psn who aren't retards? haha
  17. Me
  18. What's your PSN? :D
    I got one more spot to fill now :)

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