Vaping Weed

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by IgorHealy7, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. If I bought say 3 grams of weed, how long would that last if I was vaping?
  2. It would last me a day or two, but I have
    no idea how much you smoke to be
    able to tell you how long it will last you.
    Could be a day, could be a week.
    Also depends on the Vaporizer you have.
  3. depends on how much you vape for me it would probably like 2 maybe 3 days for other a week or 2 maybe more if you really need to plan it out then break your weed up into how much you will smoke each time
  4. I usually smoke on the weekends, and I have Da Buddha Vaporizer.
  5. 947 minutes....give or take.
  6. If I bought a 6 pack, how long would it last me?
  7. There was a guy at my work who would eat a 3 Musketeers over the course of a week. Open it, take a bite and rewrap till tomorrow. Drove me crazy, which was why he did it. 
    I have no fucking idea, nor.....................does anyone else.   
  9. 1 hour
  10. There's no way to answer this question. There's no magic equation where 3.5g smoked = xx g vaped. It doesn't work that way. Buy your weed and see how long it lasts.
  11. This is all highly dependent on your tolerance.

    I smoke almost every night and I want to say 3 grams would last me a week, maybe a bit more. But I have a higher tolerance. I use a Pax and usually 2 packs gets me pretty damn high. One would even suffice. But I gave my friend a single pack once and she smokes occasionally and was floored.
  12. #13 lwien, Apr 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2015
    It's not just the tolerance.   It's also:
    Potency of bud
    How moist or dry the bud is
    How it's ground
    Which vaporizer is being used
    What temp it's being vaped at
    How far down do you vape your ABV
    Draw rate
    State of mind
  13. man how dumb do you have to be to actually post such an open ended question on a forum..

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