Bho tincture, how to make a everclear tincture from your reclaim.

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by stupidstuff, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. #1 stupidstuff, Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
    This may have been covered but I wanted to show how I make this.

    What you are looking at is wax I vaped several times. It Has dust and water.... It's what most throw away or cook with. Well it can be made into a VERY POTENT fast acting tincture. It will hit you fast in minutes. The tincture in these pictures is made from reclaim.

    You start off by taking your reclaim or bho and activating it. You heat it to 200 for about 2-4 hours. It must be a liquid honey at room temp before you add it to the everclear. Once the oil is activated add 20g to 750ml of everclear and put the lid on. Then gently heat it warm. Once it is warm shake it really good. Adding more bho or reclaim will not make it stronger. The everclear can only hold so much in solution.
    Now it should look like this. Once it cools down put it in a freezer until it settles out. It can take a week or a month. 
    After it it settels it will look like this. DO NOT AGITATE OR MIX, you wan it  like this.
    Now to get it into a container I suggest a syringe or a piece of sterile tubing to siphon but do not pour as it will mix the settled crap at the bottom in with your tincture.  If you are patient it will come out like this.

    When added to water it will turn cloudy and react this is normal. Mix with orange juice or any thing you want. Enjoy responsibly [​IMG]

  2. Sweat deal! But shouldnt this go in the Incredible Edibles Section? What is the point of leaving it in the freezer for that long??? Just to seperate the waxes? You can use dry Ice for 12 hours and filter it out with a coffee filter.

    And why do you decarb or "activate" your reclaim for so long? It should be pretty activated as is, I would think a shorter decarb of like 10-15 min at 270ish would convert anything over that hasnt been yet. When you decarb its always going to be runny oil but it wont matter once about consistency because the EC dissolves it reguardless
  3. #3 stupidstuff, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2015
    It is an extract, so I put it in the processing section. It could go both places I guess. First, filtering it won't get anything smaller than 20 microns. So the tincture will have stuff settle out that make it cloudy. I prefer perfect clarity in a tincture. Also why use a filter to do what gravity can do better?

    Yes the freezer allows things that would normally stay in solution at room temp to fall out. That is why the freezer.

    The reason for a long activation is it is only about 50% activated from vaping. And using temps of 270 will begin to break the THC and cbd down pretty quick. Also it cleans it up removing any water and other gasses. Another reason is I have found it to be much more enjoyable effects when done this way.
  4. Sweet! Okay, step 1 makes sence to me... Actually gives me an idea for winterizing/dewaxing.. Use a bigger sized syringe to transfer my frozen, seperated oil onto parchment paper to evaporate for purge. Instead of doing the coffee filter method. Sounds like a good way to ensure a very proper dewax.

    Now step 2, the freezing part. I think its exessive to freeze for anything longer than a few days to a week. Id imagine it seperates way before a month. And why not just get a cooler with dry Ice to freeze and seperate it within a half of a day. Longest I had any my stuff on dry ice was 14 hours and everything was seperated and stuck to the bottom glass. I was able to flip that on a coffee filter and it went through right away with nothing on the filter.

    And last step the decarb part. I think the thc/cbd evap point or where you are loosing valuables is just at or above 300. I dont see anything wrong with your method makes sence but I like to get up to 280-290 highest just for the last 5-10 min of decarb because I notice bubbles (co2 escaping converting thca/cbda into thc/cbd).
  5. I have 2 batches of this Green or Gold Dragon myself. A small one to test. 2gBHO to 2oz EC. I used winterized BHO to start so waxes have been filtered.. (Or at least the waxes above 20 micron size ;) ) lol!

    I love putting this in my lemonade/iced tea since its hotter than a bishhh out here in Southern California
  6. #6 stupidstuff, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2015
    The freezing length part depends on how dirty your reclaim/bho is. The cleaner the shorter time it takes to seperate out. I just wait until it's done. It can take days to a month.

    These are the beginning winterizing steps, the only difference is activating the oil prior to adding it to the ethanol.
  7. Do you really need to decarb it when its already touched a nail hotter than 400° idk but i may be wrong bit just seems like its already activated by the nail but extra decarbing just takes away potency and this is by experience but could be from from tolerance breaks and what not too

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