Ive never been an anti-government guy, but this weed legality thing has put me there..

Discussion in 'Politics' started by towwffc, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. #1 towwffc, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
    I've realized something about myself, pot really helps me. It doesn't mean I'm dependent or can't function without it. But I know from years of experience it has only added to my life as I have always used it responsibly. And have went without it many times.
    But I grew up with a schizo mother on meds who was absolutely hopped up on caffeine and has always been a jittery person. I know this affected me I've always had very real anxiety and high sensitivity but as an adult I'm able too tame it...But it's sooooooo much easier when I have bud. Normally dealing with my anxiety day to day is kind of a battle. But when I have access to maryjane I'm able to roll with the punches with more ease.
    My anxiety works against me because in this bulls**t system of ours I'm forced to congregate with unreliable and usually loser drug dealers. I have to be this guys friend who just got out of jail or will be there soon. Or who doesn't have a car and needs a ride somewhere. I'm not good at these things and always end up losing my connection. I just want to buy no strings attached.
    This is where I get sad about government because alcohol fucks me up and I don't even consider tobacco. But the one thing that really helps smooth out the wrinkles in my mind is a huge hassle for me to get.
    It's not really that I "crave it" but more that it makes me sad because I know how at peace it makes me feel and how I am more positive with it. It saddens me that I'm forced to associate with shady unknown people because I don't like that.
    I have some friends but they don't really smoke they drink and don't have regular connections. I'm a guy who just wants to take a puff after work or before bed to ease the tension. Ill repeat that I don't "need" it. But it just saddens me that I "want" it but have a difficult time getting it for really no good reason.
    To have to go through unpleasant situations trying to jump through hoops for these school dropout street dealers. Often I just say f**k it and change my mind and don't get any.  This gets me kinda resentful that I can buy a bottle of vodka no problem that really makes me sick.
    On top of all that I'm actually risking going to jail myself by dealing with these drug dealers I don't really want to talk to in the first place. These cops don't care, I get caught with weed with my brown skin I'll probably be treated as if I were the dealer myself.
    I'm in Illinois and they're on such political bs with marijuana legalization. The politics are just like some dumb game thats gonna prolong weed being legal recreationally and you gotta jump through all kinds of hoops to even have a chance of getting it medically. You probably gotta be dying of a damn terminal disease just to get it. I just wanted to get that off my chest and figured this is the only place to do that since I don't know many fellow smokers. End of rant. I don't even care if I get responses I just wanted to say that s**t lol.

  2. It sucks when you want to get weed and you can't. But wait until you get arrested for having weed. You are really going to love the government then lol
  3. #3 JohnnyWeedSeed, Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
    Come on out to Colorado man. Weed love to have you (see what I did there haha) :smoke:

    I moved here from that cesspool Illinois two years ago and never looked back. I feel your pain.
  4. #4 DivineVictoryX, Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
    Agreed. Marijuana isn't a drug. Pain Killers are drugs %$()J% but that's legal? Marijuana has Positive Benefits, it's been proven to HELP tremendously medically. There've been cases where People's Cancer have been cured by taking Oil. CURING Depression( which is an epidemic) and Overall Opening your mind and Seeing things from a different perspective.

    Improving your Overall Mood and How you are as a Person....

    Alcohol is POISON. It Destroys Your Body. I Put Up a thread on the Horrors of Medicine in the Western States.

    This is just illogical and Immoral.

    I Say This because I live in New Jersey and Chris Christie said he doesn't want to Legalize Marijuana because it would Bring In BLOOD MONEY.....

    Why? WHY? BLOOD MONEY!?!!!!?

    We went to War with Iraq For Oil and you DARE Call Marijuana Blood Money??Why is he In Office? When You look at The big picture and what there doing to us( Fluoride in water, mercury in vaccines, Fast food, Broken Government, declining education and Bombing Countries Killing INNOCENT Civilians, Overthrowing Gadadfii Who Did MORE for his People than any leader in the U.S the past 30+ years.....
  5. You left me behind! Im thinking colorado or alaska....
  6. I feel for you OP i havent taken a hit in a month now. Im with you, i just like a few light hits after work and im good. Im doin fine without it but it too pisses me off.i have decent hookups but its more of a job problem. Id risk my job if i was the only ine relying on it, but that isnt the case so i have to 'be responsible' as our fucked up society defines it. Lets move brotha!
  7. The weed issue definitely was the catalyst that made me reevaluate how I see government and society. It brought me down a path to enlightenment of how things work. Unfortunately for the government, keeping it illegal will only cause more people to question things, and that's not what they want. Seems like legalizing it would work to everyone's benefit. 
    Alcohol damages vital organs, marijuana helps cancer patients. 
  8. Fun fact
    Weed is 100% legal in North Korea (one of the most government oppressed countries in the world).
    Not only is it 100% legal there, but anyone can grow it and you can even ask the government for weed and they will give it to you. The crazier thing is I heard the quality if really good there since the government is ACTIVELY researching/growing marijuana.
    Yet one of the "free-est" country in the world locks you up in jail for years over a plant.
  9. Both great choices. I lived in Alaska for two years and I'm bummed I left before they legalized it.
  10. Also too the PNW. Both Washington and Oregon have come correct. I can't get over what it's like to stroll into a shop, have a nice chat with the merchant, and walk out with an eighth or a quarter of lab-tested and labeled flower.

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