What is consciousness? Who are we?

Discussion in 'General' started by HiddenReality, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. what is everything? consciousness? is it supernatural? is it real?? how do a bunch of atoms and molecules, just a bunch of matter, combine to form consciousness, awareness? the only way this is possible is if there are an infinite number of universes. That's the only way that molecules could form the way they have to give us everything we have.. this degree of fine-tunedness for life (that we're destroying) requires an infinite amount of combinations of atoms and molecules in the universe. Does that mean there's a planet made of lawnmowers somewhere?
    Think about it on an atomic level dude. all the stuff that happens in our bodies, continuously, they just "know" what to do (white blood cells, organelles, the brain....).. and the brain.. producing consciousness? To the point where we are far beyond self aware and I, random internet stranger in NC am talking to you random internet stranger in stockholm, or sussex, or california, wherever. instantly. on a screen made of "natural" materials, which is nothing more than a clever combination of rubbers, plastics, metals...which is nothing more than clever combos of molecules...which are clever combos of atoms....you see....everything, everyone is connected...with everything...the universe is 13.4 BILLION years old, these bodies are not original all your atoms and molecules have probably been lightyears away in the past. is it just chance that they came together at the exact right time? we only live 100 years, out of 13.4 billion, our time on earth that feels so long second by second minute by minute constitutes only 0.00000000746 years of the universe's age. and time is a human construction anyway, it doesn't actually exist. it's not something we can comprehend. i dont know dude, i'm trippin balls right now anyone have any insights

    Hold the phone, how does that come into this at all? That is a baseless claim
  3. Your fucking high dude

    We are they
    Them are us
    I are We
    Us are I
  4. That's why i want some insight. How else could the atoms and molecules that make up everything we know, including consciousness, come together as perfectly as they have? in exactly the right combination? at exactly the right time? matter can neither be created nor destroted. just different combinations. 

    i'm oretyy blitzed man
  5. Its been 13.4 billion years. Obviously the atoms and matter and shit arent going to float around and do nothing. Probably learned how to form different things over time. Im makong shit up but that makes kinda sense to me
  6. #6 HiddenReality, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2015
    maybe. probably. i'm just trying to justify the thoughts of alternate universes lol...because really no one actually knows. and it's fun to think a bout
  7. I dont know about the alternate universe thing. Stuff we have like lawnmowers probably dont exist on other planets. Earth is one of a kind in my opinion. Other universes may/do exist but I dont think any are the same.
  9. maybe it's consciousness that creates the matter. Think about it, for as long as humans have existed, there has been consciousness. Only recently have we "discovered" atoms. We create stuff with our consciousness. Consciousness is God, and we and are self aware of our own consciousness.
  10. Ok, so glad all you really want, is to create a "justified" arguement for your case. Cause let me tell you, I was on my phone for like an hour typing out a clear and concise response to every question, and then... my dumb self hit a link above the keyboard. :( So now that I see what your really after, I'll say this first. One, when you are going to pose a philosophical question as, "what is consciousness?" You must first define what consciousness is. Imagine it like this: Your'e asking us assuming we know what you mean, like specifically. But we all have different, individual ideas of what the written word, "conscious," means. So you need to define it in a way we'll understand. Like, I would describe it as, "that which can sense or has sense of its surroundings." Like the sense of smell or taste. Or, like a cell which can respond to different chemicals that can attach to them. But that's just my idea of it. 
    To the post above: Matter, or what we presume to be the term for what we consider, physical-ness, is derived from Plank's Constant. Please refer to this video to not only blow you're mind, but in a fun way :) http://documentaryheaven.com/professor-brian-cox-a-night-with-the-stars/ It's physicist Brian Cox explaining it with a bunch of British actors and it's pretty funny at times. Also, not viewable on my phone, but did work on my laptop. James May from Top Gear also plays a role. Now, as for consciousness existing for as long as humans have existed... yes, of course! Because it existed in everything before us too! As my definition implies: the more sense or senses of your surroundings you have, the more developed your consciousness is. So a person with a sense of taste, touch, sight, sound, time, and movement, look incredibly smart next to the amoeba with a sense of taste (chemical receptors, like on our tongue), and possibly touch, is less developed. But it doesn't mean it isn't conscious. " We create stuff with our consciousness." Yes, I agree. And so do otters and platypus and birds and insects and on and on. Webs, ant hills, nests, the places they call home, are all created from their consciousness too. Not a solid argument to make that we are somehow "special" or different from the other animals here. WE are all organisms that co-evolved on this one planet. They are our family and we treat them and their homes like shit. Try and see the bigger picture. "Consciousness is God, and we and are self aware of our own consciousness." Fair enough argument, and yes. But here's the real fun part about that idea :) If, consciousness is god, and god is the creator of everything in existence, then everything exists within god. Because nothing can exist without god. So god is in all things. Down to the tiniest atom. The ones that make up you and me and the rocks and the trees and all our family, friends, the people that annoy you, the people you hate, the stars and our sun and moon. Makes me treat people better when I think about it :)
    As a P.P.S. If you wanted to become more "conscious" then you would need to develop or increase the senses you have. Such as when a person meditates and begins to become aware of their surroundings and breath and muscles. You relax completely and develop a sense of self. Infants don't recognize themselves in mirrors, as themselves, until after a few months or something. Look it up cause I'm too lazy right now. So there are the ideas that can increase your consciousness and there are physical senses as well. 
    Happy I found a place where this can be discussed.
  11. Everything you experience is God.
    or some kind of Buddhist illusion.
    I'm kind of on the fence. 
  12. Yep, pretty much. I like to think of everything as an expression of god.
  13. It's hard to say. Alternate universes (and a shit ton of them) are the basic tenets of M-theory, which is an extension of string theory. And string theory is a pretty damn good one. 
  14. #14 Deleted member 646086, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
    hate to say it, but curiosity  killed the cat
  15. I think all that consciousness is simply proof existence's existence. I just can't comprehend there being nothing. I bet death isn't real either. Sure death to our bodies are real, but something tells me our consciousness gets replaced by a different consciousness after we die. I have no proof of this, but it's my theory and the only theory that makes sense to me.

    -some random drunk guy

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  16. I'm really thinking there is a lot more than nothoing....and that the "universe" is a lot more strange than we could ever comprehend. I don't think our brains are capable of understanding. In the same way an ant's brain is incapable of understanding that it's walking next to a 10 lane interstate. 
    There's probably just a "space" somewhere sometime in some dimension that is just an infinite "room" with portals to any universe you can think of. Basically could look like this (taken from a video on string theory)...really uckin trippy..
  17. Have you been stuck in an infinite loop on youtube watching Michio Kaku and Neil degrasse Tyson videos?
    For me, I think consciousness is our brain. Every memory, every experience, and everything we learn forms our consciousness. I also think genetics plays a large role too. Meaning, you can put two people in the exact same life, yet they end up being different due to the difference in genetic make-up that passes along different traits.

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