Easy and affective homemades?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by badreputation, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. I have recently broken my one and only glass bowl. This is a bit of an emergency, given the fact that I still have bud. I know how to put together a bowl from a bottle, but it requires aluminum foil (atleast it does the way I know to do it). I was wondering if there's anyone who can give me an idea on a quick and easy way to smoke. And by that, I mean one that doesn't involve aluminum. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked. Thanks.
  2. an apple. granted you cant use it indefinitely. you could go to the hardware store. then go to the plumbing section and look for brass fittings. put together a cheap piece. you can make a bong stem and bowl for super cheap. under a buck probably, it was for me anyways, back in the day. you could make a cheap one hitter for a buck or so and a full pipe for a couple bucks. pretty much indestructible. pretty ugly too lol!!
    good luck! [​IMG]
  3. Can't think of what you would use for a bowl... I used to use foil and a pen/pencil to shape a narrow pipe and pinched it 1/2 inch from the end to form the bowl. Sorry dude :( 

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