Empathy, And TV

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Thejourney318, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. #1 Thejourney318, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015
    First just a bit about myself. I am someone who is very good at reading people, and picking up on subtle intentions, feelings, etc. I just get a lot of information about people, and the meaning behind their words and actions, very quickly without needing a whole lot to go on. Now, some like to throw around the term 'empath.' I have never come to like this term. People seem to use it to really elevate themselves as operating on some higher level than others, like a supernatural gift. And the way they talk about it sometimes makes it seem like nonsense. Now, while I am very good at picking up on stuff, and it may be in some way spiritual by nature, I do feel it is largely based on observation. I think my subconscious has a vast range of information, and from little things that I see or hear my subconscious is able to utilize its database of information to draw conclusions that, while beyond conclusions we would be able to make concretely with our conscious, rational mind, are nonetheless extremely likely to be true.

    So, tied into this, that I can read people very well, is that I seem to sort of feel what they feel. I empathize with others, and as I understand the situation I sort of take on the feelings. Now, just a sort of funny thing, that nonetheless is a manifestation of this, and I'm curious about others having the same 'issue.' When I am watching TV, or something like that, if someone is doing something embarrassing...I find it extremely hard to watch. Seriously, I look away, or pause it, and just literally find it hard to keep watching normally while that's going on. Just because it's like I can feel the embarrassment of being in that situation. I once did an online personality assessment, or some such thing, and this was actually a possible quality it considered. So, curious about others who can overall relate to what I am saying about being able to really read people and pick up on things, as well as things like what I describe as the difficulty of watching someone embarrass themselves.
  2. You're just like me lol I too would watch stuff (moreso when I was younger) and feel that embarrassment. Likewise when people get in accidents I get glimpses of what it would be like to have lived through it and get shooken up. Very similar about the whole empath thing..I don't like arbitrary labels like that.
  3. I have detached myself from feeling such empathy unless i want to (in regards to t.v./movies)

    However one odd thing has occurred that might be worth sharing. Upon wondering what it would be like for soldiers returning home and seeing objects beside or on the road and being struck with fear of a possible IED. Now I sometimes get struck with this, its not so much i myself am in fear but its a sudden empathetic shock, its somewhat difficult to explain.

    Its cool that you are that in tune though, sort of a blessing and a curse i would imagine
  4. I have it a lot and it could be a bit of low latent inhibition with high IQ. .seems like i notice even more than just being empathetic and think its all common sense when a lot of people dont catch on
  5. I have a single digit IQ so that must not apply to me :-(
  6. I'm the same way.

    I can't always read people's hidden motives and feelings but when I do I really feel bad for them if they're in a bad situation.

    I hate saying "no" and I hate conflict. Not because I'm weak but I instantly put myself in the other person's shoes and feel whatever misery I'm inflicting.
  7. How do you ever know for sure what the reason is for another person's actions? Sometimes they don't even know why they do things.
  8. I'm the same way. 
    I think the pinnacle for me was watching Sacha Baron Cohen's  "Bruno".    I was so uncomfortable in some of the situations in this otherwise hilarious movie.    I about died during the Ron Paul scene.

  9. Journey, i have always known you to be esoteric.
    Remember me as AresKenux?
    What opinion do you hold on astrology?
    Imo, it's a archetypal device not just subjected to people, but flexible enough to describe the stars.
    Cancers, they're naturally known to be empathic.
    And say, that their feeling, which is the greatest weakness is also their greatest strength.
    Purest of water signs, first in the segment of feeling.
    These are so sensitive and in tune with themselves, they are capable of reading people like books, only by what they observed in themselves.
    You see when i practice astrology, i presume that both free-will and determinism are at a tug of war each in it's own way per sign.
    So in a way, i believe in both free-will and determinism.
    The amount in which you separate yourself from the other while focusing on one, make's you radical and extreme in your sign.
    But my focus is not separation, but unity and harmony of the signs.
    The 12 each come in it's own time per individual different from anyone else.
    Now it is the matter of expansion and contraction, and the ability to flex when you need to, and not flex when you don't need to, that harnesses unity and harmony.
    If you can keep in your mind, what you are feeling at this moment, subjected to determinism, and objected with free-will, at the same time, then you will find what i find.
    The key to whatever you're looking for is always a balance, between what you are willing to sacrifice for what you want or need, to how much will and dedication you are willing to put into effort for it.
  10. I sooooo totally agree with what you said about watching embarrassing things on tv....i get this feeling specially when watching stand up comedy and the person is just not funny but is trying so hard it makes me feel like crap

  11. And when you have empathy for others your not above anyone...how can helping and feeling the pain of others be bad? It is what makes us want to help, and create change for the better..empathy is one of humanities most beautiful traits...the reason you feel that people think they are above society is because in a way they are...think about our society and how screwed up it is...these people who feel empathy is what keeps my faith in humanity restored

  12. Feeling empathy in a world like this is a gift! It's so hard to reach, most of us are taught to hate and discriminate what does that ever accomplish?

  13. And you ARE spiritual if we weren't the term wouldn't even exist, it wouldn't make sense..this is known sorry for all the separate posts ❤️


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