Does Weed Make You Better Or Worse At Videogames?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Black_Chamber, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. #61 ToxicShade, Apr 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
    I'd say it makes me more focused therefor better but that depends on how high i am to.

  2. For me better I stay "in the zone" better.

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  3. Shooting games have slowly lost their appeal as they have all become the same so i am always terrible nowadays at those games whether i am sober or high. But exploration and sports games, i tend to get more into while high.
  4. For me. I get better at communication based games. League of legends mostly. I get better at communicating, and kindof become too careful to be successful.
    First person games I get good at, but I die alot trying to be flashy. Mmos I get bored quickly.
  5. Civilization 5 is far more fun while elevated.   I've thought of strategies that I've never considered otherwise. 

    As a previous poster stated, it seems high gaming favors single player games where you can stop for a moment and smell the flowers.  Skyrim, of course, is excellent high.    I'd spend 2-3 minutes trying to catch a butterfly I saw across the pond.     Running from a bear on hardest setting, while wearing light armor, is also fun, provided you don't go into cardiac arrest.
  6. Worse in multiplayer games.
    I have a tad more fun in single player games while lifted.
  7. Weed makes my gameplay on bo2 so intense. It helps me really get into the game and it just makes everything better. I love getting high, putting on montage music and just destroy everybody. hahaha
  8. It has to be the perfect amount of weed to get me playing like a wizard. If i'm way too high I play like complete shit. 
  9. When i'm high i think i'm good but my little sober niece beats the crap out of me with Mario Kart 8. :D
  10. Worse!
    If I'm playing a serious RPG or whatever, I'll do so with caffeine and tobacco only lol
    If I'm just in the mood for fucking around (like GTA), I don't mind be stoned
  11. Depends on the game. Usually worse.

    In situations that require fast reactions and decision making, I wouldn't believe anyone of they say weed makes them better.

    However, in games of patience and thought/creativity, weed can make you better

    It depends on play style and relative skill tho. A person may be so good at a shooter that when they smoke, it makes them more calm. But they are already so much better, they don't have problems reacting tto the inferior players, and thus the weed aappears to make them "better".

    Or in short, if you are already really good, weed might appear to make you better.

    omg, this means I am really good. Because I do a lot better in multiplayer shooters when I am high.
    Thank you, Yuri, made my day ;p
    And I do better, when I am high. In all sorts of games.
  13. I would have to say worse for me. I always do way better when I'm sober [​IMG]
  14. My performance is enhanced, FPS I'm nasty when baked head shots er day.
  15. Honestly, when I smoke then play COD, I suck ass unless I'm really on point for some reason.
    But when I smoke and I play Dying Light, I feel like I'm kicking ass but that could just be because how much more I enjoy it and start to get into the game haha
  16. It depends on my mood. I used to go on COD zombies heavy, stoned and be straight killing the competition. GTA was another one, sniping and headshots all day pissing people off. Way better experience after tokin.
  17. Better or worse? Dunno. When I play BF4 high I end up hiding in the woods. all the shooting and explosions startle me. shit gets too real
  18. It depends on your level of mastery and how often you play in that state. I'd write a long thing about expertise and state dependent learning but it's Page 4 and I'd rather play video games.
  19. Somtimes im pretty fucking good, but MOST of the time when im high while playing i play like shit...
    but i enjoy it alot more, but when i am high i play more laid back games like skyrim and AC..

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