Does Weed Make You Better Or Worse At Videogames?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Black_Chamber, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. I'm better when I'm playing single player, I can get into the story and I feel like I'm in a movie like Kick-Ass or Kingsman, so in a game like Halo I'm calculating all of my moves and jumping in the air and doing fun headshots and feeling like I'm actually a badass.

    Online, the competition is always so high that you need to be completely reactive to everything and have a bit of an adrenaline rush and weed calms you down, so online I'm always WORSE!
  2. Weed makes me better at everything
  3. my brother from another mother

    ganja gives me wings
  4. I feel it makes me marginally better until I reach "smoked out" status. In my world, loading screens are built-in timeouts for bong rips.
  5. I get less frustrated so it's good for games that require patience :)
  6. Weed transforms me into God mode
  7. Weed makes me a computer that over clocks itself. I need water cooling now. So thirsty... but I do everything perfectly right after clearing the chamber of my bong. Life on ez mode 🙌
  8. Depends what game and how high I am. I'll fucking kill at conceptual games like portal but shooters will own me. Pretty much the opposite of sober me

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  9. Golmud:  Freaking T-Rex.
    Locker:  Can't hit shit.
  10. In general I find herb makes me better at video games. 
    Unless I am playing Starcraft II.  That game requires an insane amount of multitasking and focus.  200+ actions per minute to be precise, for up to 60 minutes at a time.  I was unable to achieve Master League until I had taken a break from toking.
  11. For me it depends, if I get sucked into a game of Skyrim, definitely because I feel as if I'm actually the main character, whereas if it's Gta I get carried away killing people and driving cars so it becomes insanely redundant.

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  12. I really feel like it depends on what I am smoking. I have gone through a lot of different strains and wish I remember what makes me worse and what makes me better. I enjoy them a lot more too, Especially the landscape art. I think i'm best at COD:BLOPS 2 blazed. 
  13. Worse when I have to play against or with someone, better when I play by myself.
  14. Makes me way better, nobody has beaten me at Mortal Kombat II yet. Super Nintendo FTW
  15. It depends on the game!! It's usually fun.
  16. When I smoke indica I do better at games. It relaxes me and it's easier to focus.
    When I smoke sativa I suck. I think too much about every single aspect of the game that I can't focus on actually playing the game.
  17. Weird never really thought about it.. now that I think I do notice sometimes I'm crazy good, and then can't focus and end up losing interest
  18. Depends..sometimes im really in the zone and the game slows down for me like im in the matrix. Other times im herp derping around and cant play for shit.
  19. whenever i played gta stoned i just drive my car around the whole map and crash into random shit

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  20. on a medium high i'd say I can play the same, but if its high as the clouds I couldn't play to save my life

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