Killerzs Quarters : Home of the Unknown (1st Growth Journal : Surprise BagSeeds Grow)

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Billkillerz, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Oh.. I taught you we're suppose to let them grow apart from the system in the seedling stage ?

    Yes, you can get them out of rockwool cubes. I did that to 9 clones. It is a bit of a PITA, but I think seedlings would be easier than rooted clones.
    I used tweezers to pull away bits and pieces of the cube, and small scissors to make cuts where needed.
    Even though it was a PITA, it wasn't as much as a PITA as trying to keep the cubes from staying over saturated in the flood table.
  3. Ok, so i've started another batch, hopefully this one will go right ! I also got a tray with humidity dome this time. So except for the initial soak to bring the ph down for the rockwhool cube, I wont be watering them at all, not until i see roots coming out of the cube, am I right ?
  4. They have now sprouted, i'll keep you updated with some photos when à couple sets of leave will have popped
  5. Hey, so here's the promised pictures, you are looking now at 3 to 4 days old seedlings. Everything is looking great so far, I've really been a noob with the last batch, tough I was ready but obviously not. I've roam the internet since last week to get to know how to use rockwhool correctly, and they've seems to respond well so far, except for the one with the plastic sheet around it. This one as its grow stunned (It was the first one to sprout, now she's smaller than the last one to sprout). I was trying something to keep the rockwhool from drying to quick under the fan, but now i've just decided to wait for a couple more leaves to show and then put them under a slight breeze again. Feel free to comment and make suggestion, i'm all ears ! [​IMG]

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  6. #26 Billkillerz, Apr 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2015
    Yeah so I forgot I had a couple of questions yesterday. 
    First : Should I leave the humidity dome on for now ? I got mixed opinion on this one from a couple of threads. If i leave it on, my temperature is around 29-30 Celsius, and the humidity is around 85-90. If i leave it off (with no fan), my temperature is around the room temperature (22 to 25 C) and humidity is around 40%. i've read that high humidity promote root grow, are they right ?
    Second : Should I put them under a fan now or its too early ? Obviously, that is if i dont leave the dome on.
    Third : The tap root of half of them is starting to show its face on the bottom of the rockwhool. When is the ideal time to put them in my hydro system ?
    Fourth : My 300w MarsHydro Led light i arpund 55-60 cm on top of the seeldings, so far no stretching, so i guess the height is good ? Also, for those who use this grow light, is it good for vegetative stage or flowering or both ?
  7. Little week-end update, they now have all root coming out of the bottom of the rockwhool, and some have 4 or + showing of, and really long one 2-3 inch to say the least ! Do you think it would be time to put them into a nest cup and some clay pellet ?
  8. What up killaz, checking it out looks pretty good In there brother! And those mars lights are nice for the price man for sure... I'm getting one next month, they are good for both stages sir! Veg and flower all in one.. As soon as I had a tap root, I placed them into their permanent home, via dwc setup.. And Answer is right, drip is not necessarily needed.. pump in dwc resevoir is good to have for evacuation of liquid for change out..
  9. #29 Billkillerz, Apr 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2015
    'sup inthelooperton, thanks for answering some of my questions ! I should probably notified that i'm going for an Ebb & Flow system at the moment [​IMG] Glad that i've made the right choice for the light, for the price I paid, it was well worth it ! So you're telling me that now that the taproots are showing under the rockwhool, I should place them in their net pot and onto my flooding table ?
  10. Imo yes! For sure if that tap root has poked out under the rockwool, it's searching for water.. give her what she needs.. looking good too..I do want to add, that I've never really looked into a flood table in the slightest, jras, might know more when it comes to that particular setup, but I say if they are showing root it's time! Light up high at first not to shock em, then gradually come down to your lights preferred hight.
  11. Oh sorry just re-read some of your post, if you've had the mars on em the whole time, you can bring it to @ 20 inches, whatever that may be in cm😉 and for sure with that many roots coming out, put them in as soon as you can imo.. Hope all goes well sir.. I'm running my own grow, I'll keep looking in on ya brother!
  12. Thanks a lot man ! I'll be sure to check on your grow too ! I'm gonna do that tomorrow then ! Expect some pics pretty soon
  13. Nice setup with the Supercloset [​IMG] On another note, i'm not sure if i'm right since i'm only beginning, but does those plant look healthy ? They seems a bit yellow-green and crumpled, I dont know if they could be bit burned ? So far i've only used distilled water and a bit of tap water that i've left on the table to get the ph to 5.5- 5.7 .
    P.S : I know that you can see major humidity shift, but its mostly from when i remove the humidity dome to water them (Which I do once a day). I cant seems to get the temperature below 30-31C while the light is on, i'm gonna check to fix that soon, do you think it could be the cause ?

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  14. Maybe a small amount to do with the heat, but not noticeable I wouldn't think.. not with those temps.. Imo, they need more water ( put em in the system already😃😉). They are asking you visually to tend to their needs,lol.. we are both new, you are new, and I am new to deep water culture! But, I do think I could help..
  15. Oh yeah, you're help is really appreciated ! :) I'm setting it up as we speak ! I dont know if you've noticed the one that is really tiny, but she as not grow much for the last 5 days, not sure what happened to her... the cotyledons seems burned on the extremities.
  16. No worries brother! Glad I can help!
  17. #38 Billkillerz, Apr 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2015
    I might ditch the poor girl(The one who hasnt growed that much so far) and start one seed from the one i've bought online, i dont think there's something else to do with her... i'm surprised that she seems alive at all ! Hell, she wasnt very far from what she is now when I was still germinating the other ones...
  18. Right, sometimes no matter the care or love we give, some just don't make it.. If you have other viable options, go with those for sure,, when starting any seed, say you have 2 seeds same strain, start both and keep the best looking one.. start with something good, end up with something great!
  19. Yeah well, for seed that i got for free from a bag of weed, they were green and not looking mature at all, but they've grow really well except for that one ! I've found 18 seeds and i've probably grinded at least a dozen before realizing there was seeds in my weed XD But approximately 10 we're strong enough to not crumble when I pinched them.. A nice little test bed before i get enough experience to grow the ones I actually paid for ahah

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