Realization and comprehension levels

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Oni~, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Do you find that you are getting better with complex concepts, while getting more cumbersome with simpler ones?
    Does String Theory all of a sudden make more sense, but figuring out simple work tasks takes more time?

  2. If you are noticing ill effects of marijuana you need to monitor your use. Simple as that. Weed should not make you "slow" or "dumbed down".

    Maybe try lower dosages?
    Maybe make sure you are getting clean products specially if you are dabbing regularly .

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  3. Lol.


    Op, why do you ask?
  4. You are possibly just distracted...maybe so in the mode of thinking about abstract concepts that regular run-of-the-mill life shit takes more time to focus on and think about....
    It works the other way around too...Living solely in the physical world lends itself to difficulties with resolving spiritual/self related problems...
  5. Aah, sorry, just got back to a PC.   
    The Jamaicans came over.  They are iron lungs and I've never developed a real tolerance.  One thing led to another and...yeah.  Things got interesting. 
  6. Couldn't agree more on this.
  7. Patience is a virtue when trying to grasp a intrinsic theory. I usually just write it down.
  8. When one believes their intelligence is growing.

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