I started smoking because my girlfriend.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by swisher87, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. What's up everyone! first i must say this site has truly made me feel comfortable with myself and the educational information provided from everyone has help me a lot! I would like to apologize for any wrong terms or anything in that matter since I'm new to this and still learning the ropes. Well i stay in hollywood Florida, plenty of action down here. I started smoking about six months ago because i was going through a hard time with my girlfriend. We broke and it was hard to deal with seeing her at work and other co workers not minding their own business. my friends started smoking in high school and always tried to make me smoke or drink but I would never give in, because of that the nickname was captain planet was given to me. I'm 26 now and loving life. The night I started smoking was of the best nights in my life! My friends had came over to hang out, whom also brought bud. They wanted to smoke but i wouldn't allow it in my apt. So we did something called hotboxing in his car. Spilling my feelings out about my girlfriend my friend looked over to me and showed me the blunt. at that moment I didn't care anymore and said f**k it. Had a quick lesson on how to use it which I still think im doing wrong and i was gone! Everything became so clear to me. Nights i would come home stressed out and trying to figure how to relieve the stress thinking playing a couple of tdm on cod would help. My body felt one with the car seat my mind digging into my body unlocking something I never experienced. Fast forward to now I'm back with my girlfriend and still smoking. she kinda doesn't like the idea but that's not something I'm dropping for anyone but me. I do want to mention that I only do it only at nights when i have a stressful day and in the comfort of my apt. Getting it is very hard for me I really have a hard time trusting strangers and most of my friends still don't believe that I join the club. As far as the quality I've met Reggie plenty of times but never seen anything like what's been posted here! So I'm currently trying to figure out a safe and trustworthy system to get what I need. I guess because I'm to paranoid. well that's my quick introduction lol. thanks everyone :)

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