Memory and Time relativity

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by AbstractMinds, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Hello, this is my first post ever. [​IMG]
    So i wanted to know what do you think about this thought I had the other day: We are only the memory of our future self.
    With this in mind I also ask myself: how does our time perception works?, everything we perceive is kept in our memories, and as we know memories cant be always fully trusted.
    Have you ever noticed how fast time is, one day you'll wake up and your whole life is just a memory, that seemed so fast, maybe one day you'll wake up as an old man/woman, and this exact moment will be just a memory.
    So please tell me your thoughts about this. 

  2. I dislike the original premise "we are only the memory of our future self"
    I am me and I am in the moment living. Don't limit yourself to just being a memory.

    This post is just a memory
  3. Welcome to the forums!
    Time is something wise people have been discussing, debating, interpreting since the beginning of...well, our recorded time, and maybe before.   One lesson I drew from all that is that our perception of it appears to be subjective in a variety of ways.  Younger people, stereotypically speaking, generally seem to think they'll live forever and are not aware of their mortality until father time innevitably knocks on their door.  Older people can't stop talking about how "time flies"  and they usually point out how quickly children grow and wonder where the years have gone. 

    Scientists calculate it and talk about existing outside of Earth's time when traveling at the speed of light.  They also talk about evolutionary times, meaning millennia, eons and beyond.  Those are spans of time that the average person can't even comprehend.  We know how long an eon or millenium is on paper, but no one has the slightest clue of what it feels like to actually experience one, since our mortal shells last only a fraction of that.     Another thing science hypothesizes about is the actual influencing of time itself, like with the speed of light example, and on a more science fiction level, controlled time travel.

    If you really want to bend your mind with time thoughts and theories,  check out Terence McKenna's lectures about it.  (He's all over Youtube).    The man was a wizard with all sorts of  "out there" thinking, and one of his time theories was that we are actually being pulled forward through time by an attracting Nexus Point in the future.    Kind of like a large stellar body will attract smaller ones with its gravity, McKenna proposes that our timeline is also being pulled by a chrono-gravitation pull if you will.     He explains this of course much better and in more detail.
  4. Time is definitely subjective and relative. I'm pretty sure as smokers, we have all experienced the effect of weed on perception of time...
  5. Weed definately affects how your memory works, when high or sober (long-term effect), studies say that people that smokes too much can have a different pereception of time even when sober, and I personally think its directly correlated to memory, what do you think?
  6. Memory is definitely a major influence, but also I think when you're high your brain just experiences your environment with more intensity so it feels like more is happening at once which makes time kind of slow down, in my opinion. I've smoked out a few friends for their first times and they all tell me how time is going so slow.
  7. This is very true, my first few times it was literally 10 minutes going by and it felt like hours....miss that
  8. Memory can't always be fully trusted....seems a little rubbish to me
       - any memory worth having can be fully trusted imo, otherwise it'd seem just a moment in your life you didn't care too much about
    If we are only a memory of our future self....this would then seem that we would have to be stuck in some kind of infinite loop (which i'm not saying is impossible), cause once we reach our future self wont we then again be just a memory of our future self? and if that is the case then it would seem we have no free will since this memory would always have to be the same......or if that's not the case what happens when we finally live to be our futures self?

  9. Well our future self is any moment from now, one second from now,a day, week, month, year, etc. And just imagine yourself as an old person, and you as an old person rembering this exact moment, would that make this exact moment just a memory?
    Now when do we finally live to be our future  self?, I would say that our future self, is ourself in our last moments, just when we are about to die, (maybe that's why people say that when you die you remeber all your life).
    I'm sorry if i'm not really clear, since english is not my native language.
  10. I think it still happens, but the reason you're not really noticing it is because you're used to it and your mind has adapted to the time difference. If you focus hard enough, you can still feel it. Otherwise, just get higher lol.

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