More liberal BS

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Sgtstadanko707, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. Lol
    Everything is sexist and offensive these days

    Those complaining truly don't matter.
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  2. But if they get the movie pulled, then they DO matter.
    The feminist, man-hating left gained another point.
  3. Holy shit this is getting bad. I'm glad all the people in the comments were against this. One even said how come no one is complaining all sitcom fathers are idiots?
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    and here we have another fine example of the male victim complex so common on grasscity.
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  5. You are the biggest example of a victim complex. Every fucking post is you man hating and generalising men as evil.

    You need to wake up and look at the world from another perspective other than the victim.
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    got any legitimate examples? 
    The thread you were banned from in Politics?
  8. that you can't provide any specific, explicit example says it all, really. 
  9. Is your memory that bad? Can you not read your posts and see the obvious generalisations you have made about men?

    We aren't going to sit around copying your crazy posts to show you something your obviously to ignorant to see.
  10. Most of it is you calling everybody you disagree with misogynist but I'll dig if you insist.
  11. one comment taken out of context.  good job! [​IMG] I like the part where you cut out the blatantly misogynist comment I was replying to.
  12. You asked for a specific example, the burden of proof was mine. You said what you said in literal misandry, I don't need to provide any context.
  13. actually yeah, you kinda do.  you chose not to in order to make me look bad.  that's what people do when they're wrong, bro.
  14. You're responsible for what you said.
  15. and you're responsible for not being dishonest.  you know damn well that comment was not "said in literal misandry" ([​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]) so just give it a rest.

    me pointing out to a woman-hater that men are just as likely to be irresponsible parents is the best you can do for examples of "man-hating and generalizing men"?  REALLY?
  16. Well, I do think you're misandristic so I do take what you said as literal misandry. Word by word can you say its not? I don't have any responsibility on the behalf of your credibility, Journalist don't, what makes you think I do? This is some politics 101 shit. You said what you said, you asked for an example, I put it out there. I don't normally bring things from other threads into others but you asked. The point is that it isn't that comment alone and anybody that recognizes your posts knows that.
  17. #19 AddictedToHam, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2015
    "misandristic" isn't even the proper fucking term oh my god I'm crying [​IMG]
    people in that thread were saying things like "men should have more rights than women", calling single mothers whores, etc.

    but, you know, me speaking up for women is the problem.
    Wasn't sure, went with it anyways, Google and Wiki never lie, right?'


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