Owning a car is a fucking headache

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bill Dauterive, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. #1 Bill Dauterive, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
    I bought a truck afew months back and it has took me to hell and back.

    When I bought the truck I had to put about 250 into it. 2 weeks later I was with some buddies and the fucking battery caught fire. I thought I was going to watch the truck burn to the ground but luckily we ran to a buddies house and got a fire extinguisher. Lost the battery and coolant reservoir another 300 to get it fixed. Then about 3 weeks later I cut the car off while it was in drive by accident and I could not for the life of me get it to crank. Had to pay 65 bucks to have It towed a quarter mile. Mechanic said it was the starter another 275. Replaced it and it fixed the problem. Still not sure it was the starter. Anyway fast forward to last weekend finnaly made my final payment on the truck and I crash it into another fucking car. I stille can't understand where the car came from which is scary to think how I didnt see a fucking automobile.

    So now im truckless and out over 3500 dollars and I probaly wont get my pioneer radio back from the junkyard which is no good to them since I have the removable piece that is actually the radio. Putting that radio in was so fucking consuming and I had to go back like 3 times to mount it properly. I grateful to be alive but Fml.
    Btw the truck itself was 2600 a 97 gmc sonoma
  2. Work on your own car and you'll save a lot of money. YouTube or ask somebody you know to teach you and you'll save a lot of money over your lifetime
  3. Thats easier said than done njnerd. Somethings I did myself but others things like locating a starter and removing it is a bit more difficult plus I dont have all the tools you need to work on cars.
  4. It's not easier said than done. It's actually that easy. To each their own
  5. Fuck car payments, get something older you can work on yourself, you can save $$ and learn a thing or two about vehicles in the process, help you find those shifty starters in the future

    Unless you enjoy monthly car payments and weekly trips to the scheming ass mechanics
  6. #6 Bill Dauterive, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
    Hell no I HATE CAR NOTES. Inconvient as shit. And yeah I still don't think it was my starter. But im thinking of buying a 1979 ford 100 for 2gs to recoop my losses and I do lawn care on the side so I gotta get another truck asap.
    also it seems like they make cars to where you cant work on them yourself nowadays.
    is a 79 f100 reliable I know for 2gs there is some work to be done to it.
  7. A 79?! If you cant work on your own vehicle you sure as hell dont get one thats 35 years old!
  8. Ya no shit owning a car sucks. Im thinkin of financing a brand new one just so I dont gotta worry bout the headache of the mechanical issues for a while
  9. That's a fact OP. The right tools make all the difference.
    Dude a 79 Ford 100 for 2gs is a ripoff. For 2 grand I got a 97 Dodge Dakota Sport in extremely good condition with a new transmission and new brakes and muffler. Search around a bit more you can find way better deals than that. I wouldn't buy anything from the 70's unless it was completely rebuilt.
  11. shit man, terribad luck bro...just crap shit luck. what can ya do? roll with the punches and move on. i owned a 1991 ford ranger truck. 3.0 V6, 4X4 and mostly stock. that truck lasted for ever! i got it new and had it for almost 200,000 miles. in the end the heads warped some and the flywheel was trash but that was because of how i drove it. i had to go through a number of clutches as well. again, all about how i drove it. so even though i rode it rough it still kept on ticking. i sold it but it still runs strong. just keeps going and going. un-forking-killable. so maybe look into one of those? you get some pretty killer gas mileage too! 
    shit that is bad luck. i would go get a spiritual cleansing or something....go burn a bale of sage maybe? [​IMG]
  12. #12 Johnny Blazed, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
    yea unless your buying new its scary as shit
    thats why i went with a decently priced 2014 hyundai accent im hoping as long as i dont get hit and keep up the oil changes i wont have any problems for a few yrs
    good luck with the next one hopefully you find somebody really nice that cuts you a killer deal
  13. Just get full coverage when you do Jeff.
    Yeah it's really painful when someone buys a new vehicle and doesn't change the oil, that's like literally taking 100 dollar bills out of your wallet and setting them on fire :laughing:
  15. Who jeff?

    And yea u have to get full coverage in order to even finance a car.
  16. #17 Bill Dauterive, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
    Yeah you can't cry over spilled milk or engine oil. But I dame near almost did. @Boomhauer you forgot your first name?
  17. That aint my first name bra lol
  18. #19 Bill Dauterive, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
    Yeah I keep wondering if someone cursed me. Don't know who would though and I thought for sure it was boomhauer my bad bro
  19. Well he said he has had it for 6 months so Ill to talk him down 400.

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