How the fuck is Islamic state NOT true Islam?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by tittybullshitty420, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. I don't know about you, but their actions are pretty consistant of what they tell Muslims to do in the Koran. And it strike me as odd that the "Isamic" state, an empire that is conquering many countries, has billions of dollars, and recrutes thousands of people from around the globe, has nothing to do with Islam itself! I remember reading the Koran, in hopes of finding a new faith, but I became an atheist because I was appalled at some of the stuff I read in the Koran. And that's exactly what Isis does! The bible has just as much horrific ideas in it too, but the Islam of today is pretty much exactly the same as the Catholics were several hundred years ago in terms of barbarity and torturing/mass slaughter, etc. Governments everywhere are obviously lying about Isis not being real Islam; but why?

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  2. I'm confused as to how there is a relationship between how much wealth a group has, their ability to conquer others, and how accurate a reflection of religious teachings that group is. How does wealthy + good at conquering = accurate reflection of religion?
  3. Because that's exactly what the Koran tells them to do 👳

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  4. Religion is an idea. Ideas should always be questioned. I don't understand why questioning religion is such a taboo thing these days.
    By saying "The Mideast has their own culture and beliefs" we are holding them to a lower ethical standard than we actually hold anyone else. A Muslim man beating his wife is not a crime their it's their "culture". Stoning a woman to death for being raped is their "culture". A Mecca School in 2002 was on fire and they locked all the girls in and allowed them to burn because they were not properly dressed according to code.

    Look up Mideast Slave Trade, Muslims at the time enslaved more than 200 million people of all nationality and colors...

    How long are we going to allow this to go on?

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  5. I hope you don't truly believe you're not over-simplifying things.
  6. Just tryin to dumb it down for u 😉

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  7. Where in the Bible does it say to go out and kill someone because they're different then you? Where does the Bible say to go commit murder in the name of God? Where in the Bible does it say to go cause chaos and mayhem and get rich in money and recruit people for war?

    I'm pretty sure the Bible tells us to love one another. Don't know what bible you read.

    Isis is not a part of Islam or any religion. They're cold blooded murderers and that's that. They use religion as a scapegoat so it looks like they have a mission.

    The U.S. nation has messed with the Middle East for far too long. It's about time they retaliated and stood up for themselves.
  8. Their actions? I highly recommend that you read Holy Blood Holy Grail. Catholics killing Catholics
    Go on line and get a summary.
    Lots of brutal killing amongst so-called christian sects
    Now, take it to another level.
    Do you play chess?
    Someone, could have been Caesar, or someone guiding Caesar, to divide the empire into manageable sects, by starting religions, be they christian, muslim, or jewish. If you dig, you will find many of the stories are based on the same information
    The empire was too big to control and it was decided to start religions in various countries to control the people, who could not read, nor write, They lacked knowledge, education or weapons
  9. Read the history of Muhammad. ISIS is Islam as much as Muhammad is. Murdering evil creatures.
  10. We should first STOP believing everything we read/see about the subject. I do not mean become the worlds biggest cynic. Just stop believing everything is true that is being passed as fact.
    Then we may start asking more meaningful questions.
  11. The bible says if your eye causes you to sin, cut it out. Who do you know in the christian religion to do that?

    Wouldnt it be the brain that caused the eye to sin? How would you cut your brain out without dying? A labotomy?

    If no christians cut their eyes out, does that make them "not true christians?"

    And if they did, would they be true christians?

    I think theyd be extremists! Dont you?

    Islam is like that. As mohammad wrote the koran he became more violent in his writings as war desensitized him IRL.

    At least from what ive read.

    Id say extremists behave now the way most cultures behaved up until recently. The romans were civilized and they fed living people to lions.

    Its always fun to apply logic to religion, even though religion preaches faith, ie, suspension of disbelief :smoke:
  12. CLEARLY you've never read the bible.

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  13. How can anyone say ISIS isn't Islam when everything they do is exactly what Muhammad did? Unbelievable.
  14. one may wonder though, if you aren't an "extremist" then you are picking and choosing the parts of the religion you like.

    This is defined as blasphemy.

    If you can say the part in the Bible about stoning gays doesn't apply, then I can say the part about thou shall not kill also doesn't apply. Its all subjective at that point.

    The thought of it causes cognitive dissonance. People don't want to turn their back on God. They'd rather interpret the Bible in their own way

  15. People who have been kidnapped by Isis have said that most of them haven't even read the Koran, they are brainwashed and fucked up on drugs, they definitely don't represent Islam though.
  16. #16 Neil N. Blowme, Mar 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2015
    They most certainly do. They are doing exactly what Muhammad did. I understand the pressures to be politically correct. No one wants to offend people. The truth is not always politically correct.
  17. #17 Kaleidoscope3Y3s, Mar 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2015
    I don't care about political correctness, I'm just saying how it is, so you are saying that Isis (which wouldn't even make up a quarter of Muslims in the world) represent the whole religion?

    They actually believe they are bringing the end of the world by putting a bad light on Islam, but this means they don't represent Islam they are going against it because they want to push people away from it. Supposedly Imam Mahdi should lead an army of black flags to push people away from the religion and the true believers will stay knowing they are misrepresenting the religion
  18. This might help to wrap your mind around it all
  19. This article agrees with you. It says they recruit the uneducated poor from slums and that isis dresses in name brand clothes like nike under their military fatigues as a way to lure poverty stricken kids to war, as if to say,you too can be rich....

    They have romanticised it. A reporter went undercover to expose recruiting methods.
  20. Hey poke how are you? Slim stopping in here checking the place out.

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