Do you like watching religious or spiritual movies baked?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Messiah Decoy, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. I might start doing this.
  2. yes. especially youtube videos of people stupidly attempting to summon a demon in the dead of night. bahah.
  3. Just about anything can be spiritual or religious depending on your state of mind. You could be watching blue clues and have some mystical revelations.
  4. I might make one about tantric enlightenment, lol.
    I don't think they allow porn on youtube XD
  6. Only movie I'd ever watch that could be perceived as religious is "Prince of Egympt" otherwise I'd rather watch The science channel while baked. Science is way cooler, baked or not

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  7. Science is interesting, I'll give you that, but movies about God/Satan/angels/demons make you think about the stakes involved in the battle between good and evil and the possible spiritual implications of your life choices.

    Especially when you're baked.
  8. Lol they don't me. I don't believe in "God", "satan" "angels", "demons", "good", "evil", or anything like that. I don't think about them because to me they're up there with unicorns and dragons. When I'm baked I tend to focus more on things that interest me , the vastness of the universe, art, the natural world, etc. When I get stoned on a clear summer's night, if you can't find me chances are I'm laying down in the yard looking at the stars.

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  9. What's the point of gazing at stars, bro?

    We're all just talking primates who will turn into wormfood on a space rock that is destined to be swallowed by the sun?

    God gives human experience context and purpose.

    Science is just endless factoids God could formulate in his shortest dream.
  10. #10 -13 Amp-, Mar 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2015
    discovery gives human experience context and purpose without god...

    and science is built on that...

    gazing at stars is pointless to you, but others find thinking about a God they have no proof of and thinking of all the "amazing" things he could do just as pointless because its just you using your imagination...

    Show one thing that God has formulated and prove its actually god, not just opinion or feeling, real evidence and proof...its not possible
  11. Scientific discovery has it's limitations. At some point humans will have all the scientific facts about the universe. What then? More babies to retain the information, grow up and die and become worm food?

    What's the point?

    No one can prove God exist. If we could life wouldn't have any moral challenges. We would simply do good things because God is standing over our shoulders, judging us each second.

    So it makes sense that God remains a mystery. Now we can truly exercise free will and make personal choices based on our beliefs.
  12. #12 Sunda, Mar 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2015
    So your purpose is to worship a blood-thirsty, slavery/murder/rape/genocide-loving god? A god who created original sin and then sent himself to sacrifice himself to himself to forgive us from the original sin he created?
  13. Exactly!
  14. I watched well attempted to watch Jesus Camp once, scared the shit out of me.

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