Punchrebas next run of fun

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by punchreba, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. 400 hps
    Roots organic original soil
    5 gal buckets

    Dropped seeds in soil in the solos
    Will probably do another 4 plants. Maybe experiment with some training.

    Lets have a look
    DAY 1
    so far
    1- mystery bean given to me
    1- spacequeen
    1- deathstar bag seed. ( have had issues with these in the past)
    1- mystery didnt germ. Put another mystery in the cup from the same plant. If it doesnt sprout, I will go with anorher bean. And will ask to help choose.

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    Whoops can someone move to journals


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  2. Nug shot from last run
    Chernobyl cross

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  3. Spacedawg

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  4. Raw diesel
    (still hanging but clipped a lil piece!)

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  5. The Silver

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  6. Again

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  7. The real raw

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  8. 4th cup has a blue mystic bean no signs of life yet hoping to see something soon

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  9. 1 week update on the sprouts

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  10. Can't get that 4th cup to sprout for the life of me. Had 2 mystery beans no show and now a blue mystic fem from nirvana hasn't shown. Getting frustrated but not giving up on it.

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  11. So far not watered yet, just the original soil dampened when planted. just a couple spritz to keep top of soil moist
    At this stage, I do not need to water as the delicate root needs to breath

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  12. Hoping to have a 4th cup soon

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  13. Transplantes to tiny pots from cups. I have decided to try a few diff things this run like planting sideways. Instead of taping down. Its basically bag seed so ima have some phun.

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  14. Pics were from shortly after transplant

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  15. On a side note, that 4th cup has devoured 2 mysterys, 2 blue mystic fems, and now I have a chernobyl waiting to pop. Never been this unlucky. But wont give up

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  16. 12 hours after first transplant all is well

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  17. After 2 mystery beans (on the whiter side) , 2 blue mystic fems from nirvana all having issues getting going I finally have a 4th sprout.


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  18. Let's call it week 3 veg

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    This cherno seedling is gonna kick ass. Huge coty's

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  19. Transplanted to final destination. The 5 gal pales. Went well. Some nice root systems on all 3 plants.

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  20. Deathstar bag seed

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