Powdery mold 3 weeks before harvest

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by flashxm, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Is there anything I can do? I found pm on all 11 plants 2 are ready any day now. The rest have at least 3 weeks left, what can I do besides remove foliage with pm.
  2. You can spray the affected areas with diluted peroxide to keep it at bay until harvest. 
  3. Where is the mold at just sun leafs or bud too, old remedy worked for me was baking powder and water. I only had this issue once and it was a white powdery mold that was about 11-12 years ago and was on my veg plant but I made a 1table spoon to 1 liter of water and gave her a little foliar spritz. Obviously if you do this be sure you have a fan to help dry it up relatively fast so you're not then dealing with bud rot. Hope this helps happy growing.


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