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Cancer Prostate cancer?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by orange24, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Anyone know of cannabis effects on prostate? Positive or negative?
    Little formal testing has been done on humans (at least from what I have found). But components of cannabis have induced prostate cancer cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo on mice, which means it may well have a postive effect for humans too. Not to mention palliative effects as well.
    I had PC three years ago, and if I thought pot would have cured it (I had surgery) I would be a very sick man right now -- with a lingering death staring me in the face.
    Do you have PC?
  4. Good.
    I wouldn't wish it on anybody, so get tested regularly if you're old enough.
  5. I'm only 28 but a slightly bigger prostate runs in my family, dad and I have always unrinated frequently without a powerful stream, my streams constant but not jet power. I BELIVE he said this is mildly enlarged at most. But, I'm young enough and in love enough with my family to be slightly worried.
    A bigger than normal gland doesn't necessarily mean potential cancer. Mine was normal sized, yet had a small bump on it that turned out to be cancerous. Also, my PSA (blood test for PC) was normal. I'm lucky the doc felt the bump.
  7. My Psa was 0.5
  8. I read somewhere people who nut like 5-10 times a week have a very low chance of pc when older

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship
    LOL, I'm living proof that that isn't true.
    Seriously, it has nothing to do with it.
  10. As far as how it effects your prostate, I know that when I am properly medicated, I have a little more difficulty urinating. I know there are certain cannibinoid receptors down in that area, so maybe it's the fact that the soft tissue is too relaxed to produce a powerful stream? I sure know it makes sex feel fantastic.

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