best safe household item to use for homemade bong bowl piece?

Discussion in 'General' started by 420Spencer, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. i've been using a socket, but i just don't like it. i feel like it cashes the bowl to quickly and uses too much of the green. myself being on a budget can't afford a real bong right now and weed money is always critical. any help? thanks :)
  2. #2 SMOCATRON, Mar 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
    When it comes to easy emergency makeshift paraphernalia, you can't beat the apple pipe. No need for conepiece, stem etc, just an apple and maybe a pen to poke the holes in.
    If you're insistent on using a bong, just go to the nearest tobacco shop and buy a real conepiece for like $2 and just say it's for your "tobacco water pipe" lol.
    If not, then besides foil (which is fucking disgusting and dangerous) you can just carve conepieces out of apple-skin.
    My friend used to do this before we were 18 and could buy stuff from tobacco shops. You just peel off a bit of skin like 1cm wide and 3-4cm long then kind of twist/roll it up into a cone kind of shape. It's good for like 4-5 good hits then it just gets gross and soggy and you have to carve a new one.
    This is alright because you can adjust the size for yourself and even make the hole smaller so you don't pull too quickly, to save weed. Make sure the red outer skin is facing outside and you're burning the moist bit and also make sure you have washed the apple because supermarkets put wax on them to keep them shiny and prevent rotting.
  3. Do knife hits like a boss.

  4. I use a bottle cap with a hole in it and a cheap $5 glass bowl ...

    But that's just for the gravity bong tokes.

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