Got it all set up, but how am I going to flush?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by riffriff, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. I set up my scrog net, then realized I wont be able to move them to flush at the end. How do you guys handle this issue? Any suggestions?


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  2. tangerine dream, critical kush, and liberty haze, btw.
  3. when i used to flush my plants in a scrog..
    i'd have the pots in elevated trays with drains that emptied into a bucket.
    or trays on the floor and a used wet vac.
  4. wet vac; good idea. And I have one. 
  5. Unless you've been overzealous with the nute's, there's absolutely no need to flush excessive amounts of water through your soil prior to harvesting your plants.  Just use plain water for the last two weeks prior to chop.
  6. The term we all forget is LEACHING...i have never flood/flushed a plant in my life
  7. Best to have one scrog screen per plant
    Solves lots of problems
    problems like what?
  9. This. I always just watered as usual, only without ferts. Never had anything other than compliments.
  10. No need for a traditional flush. Don't over feed. If anything, just go plain water for a couple feedings in a row

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