Trimming scrog?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ganjaghost69, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. So I'm thinking a couple more days then Trim everything below net. I'm in first week of flower. Is it bad to trim in flower? Any thoughts

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  2. I've heard it's bad to trim there just getting to crazy??

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  3. ^^^^ delete him please....yes you want to clean up the sub screen 1 week b4 flip and never ever more than 1/3 of the total plant or leaves
  4. I have already flipped bout a week in is it to late?
  5. No....(BUT) you could shock your plant and add 2 weeks to flower.
  6. Ok there strong genetics I think gonna do it
  7. Ok then do a bit today...then a bit in 72 hours....dont just hack 1/3 of your plant off today

    Herms can happen too in shock
  8. Damn already did

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  9. They look clean but im not god.....GOOD LUCK
  10. Thanks for the help greenthumbs I was in there thinking I was doing the right thing didn't read the posts fast enough oh well cheers

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