
Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by smashleegee, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Maybe dementia is caused by drugs. and that's why dementia is becoming more and more of a problem. All the "hippies" in the 60s and 70s who used to smoke weed and do other things are getting old and have forgot about the majority of their memories because of drug use.

    Idk just a silly thought. Probably makes no sense

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  2. all the people getting old that didnt do drugs in the 60s are forgetting memories too. usually a sign of age
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. In the 70s they took drugs to escape reality now they take Prozac to maintain reality
  4. [​IMG]
  5. This has really been scaring me lately. I've been scared that I'm going to be crazy later in life because of weed smoking and drugs use now.

    ~Fev123 GC Forums
  6. who ar yo peple?
  7. Yeah, Ronald Reagan did so much drugs.

    But seriously Willie Nelson, Cheech and Chong are all sharper than ever.
  8. Fuck it.
    You're living in the future manng...MJ is not going to burn your brain....
    I'd watch out for that crack and PCP though...although if you do those you probably wont have to worry about getting old...
  9. #9 SlowMo, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2015
    The largest single contributing factor for acquiring dementia ain't pot smoking - it's age.
    Another significant factor is having diabetes. Non-insulin dependent diabetics exhibit TWICE the rate of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) than the norm. Insulin dependent diabetics are at FOUR times the risk of getting AD.
    Diabetes and Alzheimer's - What's the Link?
    What's the single most effective measure we can do to discourage the development of dementia? Most neuroscientists seem to identify getting regular vigorous physical exercise and not eating like a fucking maniac - especially the many forms of sugar. 
    So, if you want to quit some habit that may very well play a role in certain neurodegenerative diseases then ease up on foods loaded with corn syrup and and other sugary shit. 
    The regular, long term spiking of insulin levels with heavy doses of sugar products eventually helps produce insulin intolerance in brains (as well as other cell types). AD is even sometimes called the "the diabetes of the brain". This intolerance means that more and more neurons no longer respond to insulin's message to admit more glucose into the cell so the cell progressively starves for energy (ATP). In response to this, one of the treatments for the onset of Alzheimer's symptoms is to go on a high fat diet (so called "ketogenic diet") because the energy pathways in the neural cells can derive energy from fats (though not nearly as much), thus bypassing the unresponsive glycolytic metabolic pathway.
  10. I think more of us these days will be fucked in the end. We are medicated for way too much in order to retain our society. I could understand if mental instability goes too far, but everyone is on drugs man. People are given medications without a proper telling of what it is doing to their bodies. So much money goes to those companies and yet we are still not economically sound. Why can't we go natural and embrace what's here, out of the lab.
  11. in my humble opinion, i would think it is all of the chemical medications and heavily processed foods. alcohol abuse is up there as a leading cause i am sure. 
  12. Let's say you had short term memory loss, so you'd forget what you did in the last five hours.does that mean if they smoke they will forget about it in five hours and then it'll be like getting high for the first time all the time.
  13. Clearly drugs are causing good times.

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