First quartz nail advice, and other accesories youd suggest

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by newlywedz420, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. I'm going to pick up my first rig tomorrow and just want to make sure i get a decent nail to go with it. i'd like a quartz, is there anything in particualr to look for? any type of design better when speaking specifically about quartz?
    also, any other accesories you'd suggest for someone new to dabs?

  2. I'd go with a Quartz banger/sidecar nail.

    Also get a drop down for good measure.

    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Grasscity Forum..💨⛽️
  3. Will do, thanks
  4. another good thing you will want is a nice carb cap and maybe a towel to wipe your dabber onto. It helps when you want to try different strains and don't want the leftovers from the last dab tainting your next one.
  5. #5 newlywedz420, Mar 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2015
    Ok, I'll pick those up too.

    I was also wondering which joint size is best for a small rig, 10mm, 14mm or 18/19mm
  6. I would say out of convenience go with 14mm. Most accessories for dab rigs are 14mm or 18mm, but an 18mm joint would look weird on a small rig.
  7. thanks, i picked up a 14mm recycler
  8. Check out some dropdowns they serve many purposes
  9. Also season ur nail before u use it
    i will, thanks
  11. 14mm to 10mm dropdown work gr8 that way you can use your 14mm bong with a 10mm nail for fast heat up and you can hold the dropdown well heating your nail thats what i use most of the time

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