Ron Paul: The Founding Father Who was Cheated By America..

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DivineVictoryX, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]
    Just no more bumper stickers please 

  2. Yea, he is anti choice.
  3. this is callled a straw man argument.

    Pro life people believe a fetus is a human with rights.

    Being anti murder is not the same as anti choice.

    Libertarians are all about freedom and choice. But murder is not one of those freedoms

    I realize you disagree with this opinion, but try to have a little empathy.

    Calling it anti choice, or legislating your body, is not only fallacious logic, its disrespectful

    wrong he wasn't given media time because he is oppose to giving foreign aid to Israel, therefore blacklisted on the american media outlets.  TRUTH!
  5. Yeah, but it's true. He's anti choice.
  6. Yeah, well that just, like, your opinion man.
    Christ dude don't turn this into another abortion thread
  8. Just because you vote for a candidate you don't have to support every single aspect of there vision nor defend it, you have to choice the most important issues to you, mine is foreign policy and economics, Ron Paul is sound on those issues.  Don't let these fucking unintelligent cunts belittle your intellect. Stand up! RON PAUL!
    Absolutely but like all people in politics his time is over. Sweet memories and what could of been but that is it.
  10. #30 landrace, Mar 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2015
    wrong, your thinking in terms of a man, but that's the limitation of man, i'm thinking in terms of an idea, and idea cannot be eradicated. An idea is like a seed it's panted all it's needed is to grow. Ron Paul ideas aren't new it's just the re enforcement of the constitution. As we speak it's spreading from one youtube video, from one conversation to another. 
    Some people will disagree, some will agree, but more will be informed. 
    There has been no down side to abortion, since it's been legal. It is not even done very often, but when it's wanted it's available.  No person with empathy would want to revert back to the days of back alley abortions, coat hangers, etc.  
    Abortion rates have been dropping steadily, as other methods of birth control are developed and improved.  One day it probably won't even be necessary at all.  If this happens, and it looks like it might, there'll be no need for abortion debates or legislation.    
    As we speak millions of cat videos on youtube still prove to be among the most popular thing to watch. Americans as as whole are low information voters. Have been for eons. Need proof...go read up on some of our elected officials that were elected by this enlightened populace you speak of.
  13. If Ron Paul's a founding father then he's about 200 years older than I thought.
  14. The type of idiots that vote based on the last political commercial they saw during an episode of the Bachelor or get their ballot and check the name that they think sounds the coolest. These are the kind of people who think they have a say in politics.
  15. Ron Paul has about as much in common with the Founding Fathers as the man in the moon.   They were mostly Deists who were at the forefront of Enlightenment-era thought.  Ron Paul would have been the last person in the world they'd associate with. 
    And that they do. Quite often it seems we have no say but quite often to someone gets elected by very slim margins..happens all over the US. Happened the last election.
    Then the media who thinks they know shit which they do not make it seem like there is some sort of wave for someone. Here in my state they went on and on about pink sneaker pro abortionist Wendy Davis. If you listened to the MSM and never read you would of thought she was a shoe pun intended. It never even was a contest. They literally poured tens of millions of dollars into promoting her. It was such a loss she is toxic now.
  17. #37 landrace, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2015
    Lol I never said all americans were not stupid, it takes time like evolution. we didn't evolve overnight? unless i miss something; everything has time. Gradually. and furthermore it's an idea that's the point don't loose track now. An idea cannot be killed.
    Let me ask you a question; If Ron Paul was to die do you think every single person, that voted for him would immedially forget that he ever exsisted?
    No, perhaps some, but not all and given that we are discussion this right now, one would say he still relvent even though he's not campiagning. It's the an idea. Ideas can't be killed it just spreadsl ike a virus. that's the point.
    I see you think in terms of geeralizations not all americans think like that. I know I don't and many of my friends don't as well. Let's not generalize americans I think that would fucking stupid especially in this particular topic considering Ron Paul is an American and he did fairly well, consideirng the media blackout. Just Saying.
    I like cat video and i like ron paul how is it exactly that a person who watches cat videos cannot also be informed? I don't understand.
    I don't blame americans at all for being non infomed they were never given a chance, given the corp media and the manipulations and lies that are being fed to them, to expect anything else I would blame myself and those that are informed not to bring it to the masses to awake the sheeple.
    I will never blame a sheep for being a sheep. Just saying,
    Other then the what 13% that voted for him which amounts to nothing the rest do not even know he exists.
    Great guy, liked him alot but hes gone and thats that.
    If people are not sheep explain the current state of the country.
    No his ideas are still around and further more i never said people aren't sheep, you love to put words in my mouth, i said I don't blame people given the mass media involvement in perpetrating these lies.
    I don't think reading comprehension is your thing
  20. I totally disagree! They have way more in common than not. The underlying political principles of there time was not religion but freedom from government intervention. And on this subject they very much see eye to eye. In fact this is why his language seemed as foreign to most during the debates as the dude that spoke Russian and knocked on your door a while back :)
    His political language would be considered mild back then. Not the maniac you among others paint him to be.

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