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How to bind/make THC honey with BHO?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by RaJay, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. #21 RaJay, Mar 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
    PSam! I took pictures step by step, and if this turns out well in a couple weeks of curing I am going to post up my step to step process in a new thread. But for now, is this looking okay? Along the lines of normal?

    These have been sitting out overnight. Definitly more thick than last night... obviously because it was hot last night. The wax seems to have surfaced to the top, but Im not sure if the terps, or goodies we want got cooked and infused in.. The wax that is building up on the surface, is that still good active stuff? Or like I said is the good stuff infused and the wax build up is just playing mind games?

    Or should the wax have melted down and blend with the glycerine?

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  2. Nice read from your early days PSam.  Nice to see someone figure it out and not be derailed by naysayers.
    It's darker than regular glycerin but I don't see the dark suspension. That stuff on the top looks like your BHO didn't infuse unless you had a lot of waxes in the oil. Did anything stick to the sides of the crockpot? What was your ratio for this one and how much EC did you use? 
    For now, just cap everything and shake it everyday to break up that clot and get everything distributed. You will always get a ring around the top of the glycerin. After you shake and cure it, if there is any of the wax left it will cling to the sides when you pour it out and it will leave a pretty clean product. 
    In the meantime, start sampling. Start with a ml.  :) 
  4. I used 14 grams of BHO.. 4 different kinds so the mg dosage is a bit hard to do. 6 grams of this was winterized/dewaxed bho.. so it shouldnt have produced much of a high amount of waxes.

    14.2 gBHO
    42.5 oz of Vegetable Glycerine
    2 oz Ever Clear

    The little jar has a big fat BhO glob chillin on the top and both around the rim. If I were to make a new batch could I scrape all the wax off the side & the big clump after 2 weeks of curing to throw it into a new batch? To recycle any left over..? Or is that bho no good any more?
  5. Hey PSam - I thought I'd ask this since this thread has taken a turn from honey to glycerin and I've seen alot of info in a couple of the threads referenced ---
    As far as bioavailibility goes, do you notice much difference when you transfer to the different mediums? GD vs honey vs glycerin vs coconut oil?  Just curious since I'm thinking of making a small batch of agave and the question arises - would it be better to use a mixture of agave/oil or agave/glycerin to increase the absorption?  Don't recall any discussion on the 'carrier' choice influencing the overall effects, so I thought I'd ask....
  6. I just scraped the inside of my Crock Pot and came up with 2.7 .. just an eyeball guess.. from what Im able to svrape from the rest of the crock, and were to scrape the mason jars of wax remainings Id say I would recover roughly 7 grams. Which means the other 7 is blended in. Maybe I should try 4oz. Of EC being about half blended, half didnt.

    I cooked it on high for 2 1/2 hours, and on low for 3.. maybe leave it in longer? Close the lid once EC evaporates? Or try more Ever Clear? Orrrrr, be patient and wait to see if some of the bho dessolves inside the jars there In now? Lol.

    Can I reuse this wax for next batch?

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  7. Im obviously not one to take the word for, but my 2cents.. I swear I read before that Glycerine isnt the ideal, or (as good) of a carrie as Oils are.. Coconut oil being the best.. BKS wrote I believe it is absorbed and process through other spots in the body (not bright enough to give you specifically where) that others dont?
  8. Yeah - thats why I had the question since BKS also said that sugars (honey) isn't very available either.  You can see why the glycerin would suck for actually extracting the oils, but for carrying them...???  Thats why PSam would be able to shed light, since he's transferred his GD into all by this point and has a keen sense to notice if there is a significant difference.
    BTW RaJay - 2 oz of EC for 14g BHO seems kinda (very) light --- I'm guessing it never fully dissolved in the EC since you still have a big glob?  4-6 oz would've been better.
  9. Yeah I figuredd .. shoot. Anyway to cover up my mistake? Pour it back in crick pot? Add EC, or is this trial and error run.. just gotta take a bit more, double the dose to get a good one
  10. I was recommended from someone to use 1 iz of EC to mix in the bho for some Honey.. maybe thats why my honey had left over bho floating aroun. I will get another glycerine bottle, and try with 5 cuos if EC.
  11. #31 OneE, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2015
    Yeah - make sure the bho is fully dissolved before adding  - use as much EC as needed - figure almost as much as you use when you winterize.  And stir well when you're evapping the EC - once it separates, its harder to get it back into solution - especially with the bigger batches you're running.
    Sorry, all, I took a nap because it was so slow and imagine my surprise when I saw all the notifications. I'll try to catch up here. 
    Should have been more like 8 ounces of EC. That much BHO in just a couple of ounces of EC is going to be too heavy for the glycerin. I know I said a little amount but with 42 ounces of glycerin I was thinking a little more than that.  :smoking:
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    It sounds like you had half of it blend but not rest because you ran out of alcohol in your transfer before the oil was fully infused. This is the same thing that you see with 151 and less when you go over the alcohol threshold. I know this sounds weird but your alcohol is what drives the infusion. If the alcohol the oil is bonded with evaporates too quickly, it will leave the oil sitting on top of the medium. 
    Take some of that you gathered and mix a little with more alcohol to ensure it is cannabinoids and not tar. It should dissolve readily with EC if good. The waxes and oils will still stick. 
    You may have also hit your saturation point but I don't think that's the issue.  :)
    You did read that. Glycerin is a lousy solvent and is why you need more alcohol for your transfer. It is a really slow solvent for infusion and is why your alcohol evaporates before the oil is infused and it's one of the things most people haven't a concept of. Everybody starts off with alcohol or butter or coconut oil or some other quicker absorbed medium and infusion is so easy with those that they think glycerin will be the same. At least now you're getting to see the background of the stuff and you'll have a better knowledge of it.  ;)
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    There is a great difference in bioavailability of the mediums and agave nectar is maybe the best. Agave nectar is recommended to take with a dose of RSO to increase it's availability. It gets into the system faster than GD if used sublingually or ingested. I love the agave "elixir" and recommend it to anyone. 
    Why do you want to mix it with something else? But you'll need to be careful when you do a transfer or it will turn out like RaJay's glycerin. It takes some heat and some time and stirring but is worth it. Just when you think it's going to clump and die, all the oil will infuse almost all at the same time. 
    Sugar is superb for bioavailability and takes affect very quickly. I like sugar or agave in my edibles for the quick onset and I'll use a lipid like evco or butter so that by the time the carbohydrates are beginning to let off a little, the lipid will pick up the pace as it starts to metabolize in the liver. 
    Honey is also good and for the same reasons listed above. Honey, unfortunately, will lose some of it's moisture during the transfer and is then difficult to use with a dropper for a sublingual dose unless it's warmed first. 
    The oils and lipids are the most widely accepted but take the longest while providing a better pathway for the delta-9 reaching the liver before it's broken down into other metabolites. In my opinion, the lipids offer the most healing power because of that.  :)
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    This is one area where BKS is wrong. Sugars are more bioavailable than most anything. All that stuff she wrote about honey was wrong. Sugars are great for cannabis infusion and can be used when cooking for great edibles. Try infusing some sugar and then tell me what you think. It's real easy and I have the guide in several spots. You'll feel the sugar within minutes. It's great for wake and bake in your coffee or a nightcap in your tea. 
    Sugar infusion is a bonanza for people who like edibles and can use sugar. For those that can't, alternative sugars can be infused. Like coconut and birch sugars, splenda and others.  :ey:
    \tDragon Cannabis Sugar - An Edible Bonanza
    I probably told you that and it was my mistake for not taking into consideration the amount of honey you were using and because of my lack of hands on knowledge of BHO. I just didn't make the connection until the glycerin. Sorry.  :huh:
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  18. Nahhh! Cant be sorry, if anything you are hepling me and teaching me tremendously! Thank you!

    Now I know! Experience is the best teacher tho, sorry PSam! Lol

    I'm just ordered the same bottle of glycerine for another shot at this
  19. And for some unknowledgeable reason I though Glycern was sugar... I want to make a BHO sugar mix now!
    Can't argue with that.  :)

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