Are we inclined to help others in society?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by MattMVS7, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. #1 MattMVS7, Feb 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
    Now you are not inclined and it is not necessary to help others who aren't a part of your personal life.  It would only be wrong to not help someone who is a part of your personal life such as your family.  If someone who is not a part of your personal life came up to you, begged you to help him/her, then it would be wrong not to help him/her out since he/she has become a part of your personal life in that moment since you have physically engaged with this person.  But as for people who aren't a part of your personal life who have no personal connection to you, then it is not necessary and you are not inclined to help them out.  This is because they live their own separate lives from you.  These types of people only matter in the sense that they do have human value.  However, they do not matter in the sense that they are a part of your personal life and that you should be inclined to help them out.  To say that it does matter that we should help these people out would be no different than saying that ads on your computer that ask you to help with job services and such matter and that you should apply for them.  Even though you would acknowledge and have value towards those people since they are human beings, we usually close such ads out anyway.  Therefore, people who ask you to go out and help society should be ignored and their suggestions should be closed out like ads.  Although you are free to go out and help society anyway, you don't have to if you don't want to.  
    Not helping these people does not mean you have less value towards them and does not mean that you are a bad person who has done a wrong deed for doing so.  It just simply means you still have full value towards them anyway by perceiving something towards these people such as that you just simply acknowledge them as human beings and them finding their own ways and strengths in life separate from you and your own life.  Only not helping those people who are a part of your personal life is what would be wrong here. Although I realize that if it weren't for people going out and helping others, then we wouldn't be here where we are today.  We wouldn't have homes or electricity.  But even so, this still does not mean you are inclined to help others out in society anyway since they are just people separate from you and your life going about their own lives.  Just like how we are not inclined to go out and help society, these people are also just as not inclined to go out and make me and the lives of my own family better in any way.  Furthermore, I don't care much about reality at all and what goes on in the real world anyway.  I only care about the world of anime/videogames and wanting to have a belief in an afterlife of eternal joy even if that said life is nothing more than a fantasy life that doesn't exist.  An afterlife of eternal joy would be the greatest life for me to have and I would just want to believe in it anyway even if it doesn't exist since me having that belief would give me a sense of hope, empowerment, motivation, and superiority over this life of suffering and mortality.
    So continuing on here.  If there was some innocent little happy girl living on her own and enjoying nature who acknowledged the fact that there are suffering people in this world, but she didn't choose to help them out and instead chose to go about her happy life, then this would not mean she is bad in any way.  As long as she still has full value towards those suffering people anyway through acknowledging them as good people, then she is still a fully good and innocent person.  As long as she is living a happy life and getting what she wants in life, then this is what makes her the better person with a better life than those suffering people.  As long as she is not someone who would go out and harm/demean innocent people, then she is the better person.  The only way for her to be the lesser person here would be if she did harm/demean innocent people.  Her allowing those innocent people to suffer is not her harming/demeaning them since it would be the ailments of those suffering people that are causing them harm.  She might be allowing these ailments, but that is not the same thing as her harming them.  This also holds true for her demeaning those suffering people.  She is not demeaning them either since she is not in any way demeaning these people by having less value towards them.  She still has full value towards them even if she chooses not to help them out.  Her value towards them is just in a different way other than her helping them out.  It could be that she just doesn't want to help them out, but just wants them to just live their own lives and find their own ways and strengths in life while still valuing them as good innocent human beings.  Even my own mom doesn't go out and help society and even she is still a fully good and innocent person who cares for me and such.  Her attitude is that I am free to live however I want as long as I don't harm and demean innocent people.

    I beg of you.
    Give me your car.
    My inbox patiently awaits.
  3. Didn't read the post sorry its super long but I think we are inclined to help other people, NOT society
  4. I believe in the pass it along mentality.

    Even if im down and out, i give as much as i can.

    I put others before myself to my own detriment, because i can.

    I give opportunity when none exists because i was given opportunity when None existed.

    My life has been blessed by living that way, my priorities have become clear, my inner anger has subsided and has been replaced by humble pie.

    Let it be.
  5. No one is obliged to help anyone.

    But if everyone helped eachother out and wasn't selfish life would certainly be better for everyone


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