Hey everyone

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DDdragon, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. #1 DDdragon, Feb 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
    Hello everyone! I'm a 21 year old female from Middle Ga. I own my own business, which does fairly well. I'm an animal lover, animal shelter volunteer and animal foster parent. 
    I'm also disabled.
    I am a huge supporter of legalizing marijuana, and not just medical, but for all uses.
    Personally, I have chronic pain, sciatica, DDD in two sets of lumbar, Mobility issues, Balance issues, and chronic severe swelling of my hip joints and back. I also have BiPolar disorder. The stress of my disabilities caused me to become depressed and develop anxiety.
    I can honestly say, Marijuana makes a massive difference in my life. I am, of course, a medicated bipolar patient, but smoking gives me a little mood boost when needed.
    Honestly, smoking helps me a lot more than any of these pain medications. Where as I still take some of my medication on the very bad days, I've been able to control my pain most of the time with smoking. I prefer it since the pills would always make me unable to concentrate and feel completely useless at getting anything done.
    But enough of my rambling!

    That's a little bit about me.

  2. Welcome to the City.
    Sorry to hear of your pain.
    Please do take the time to read the forum guidelines. The discussion of other drugs is not allowed here, that includes prescribed items. :smoke:
  3. I'm sorry. I did read skim through them earlier. That was my bad, I thought it meant like discussing in detail about doing them/buying them/ect. I just threw it in there to prove my point on the effect and preference over not doing them. I didn't mean any harm! :)
    Thanks for letting me know that though. 
  4. Welcome to GC. Sorry to read about what you're going through but it's great that you have found something positive with this natural gift that truly helps you. Wishing you all the best, stay strong and always remember you're not alone. :)

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