How to get rid of man boobs?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by skibo478, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Okay, so i have a great metabolism, so i can eat as much as i want without getting fat. I'm as skinny of a person that there could be. The things is, though, are these man boobs. They're not the type where they hang and everyone can tell, its sorta like bird chested, or like a little girl in the early stages of puberty. I want to know what exercises to do to get rid of them, because i really want to be able to take off my shirt on command. Please?
  2. No homo bro but do you have any pictures for better reference?
  3. Like boobs boobs? Like fight club?

    I'd get it checked out.
  4. IDK man I'd say start bench/military pressing a lot, try to bulk up your pec's.
  5. Push ups. Push ups. Push ups.
    You can do them anywhere and they're easy to do.
    30 push ups when you wake up, 30 sometime during the day, and 30 in the evening. Then just add more reps as time goes by and they get easier.
  6. Push ups, dumbbell presses etc.  Do daily and your pecs should tone up nicely.
  7. you need to put on some muscle. 
    being "skinny" doesn't mean you don't have fat deposits. and if you don't have any muscle to complement a little (necessary) fat, then what you describe is the likely result. 
    that's why you see these anorexic "celebrities", because they'd rather starve  and die to get -1% body fat than to spend 30 minutes in the gym.
  8. Eating clean foods in the right amount of calories will help. Paired with adding in workouts, both cardio and weightlifting, things will improve. Lots of information online to help you out if you search google and youtube.
    There are competent trainers out there as well if that is an option for you. Even if it's just a few sessions to get you more personalized knowledge on what will work best for you.
  9. Yup, push-ups should do the trick. Benching would help too if you have access to one
  10. Doing chest exercises and still eating whatever probably won't help as much. You'll be building muscle under your fat stores, potentially making them look like bigger boobs. You don't just work an area out to lose fat there. Plus why build one muscle group and neglect the rest, especially surrounding ones? Muscle imbalances and joint problems could very well arise. How significant I don't know, but why risk trading one problem for another?
  11. Do close regular and wide push ups. Also mix some in with your feet elevated on a chair or something. Work your way up to a 1 arm push up and your problems will be gone. Make sure you read up on good form b/c you can jack your shit up and visit snap city.
  12. Exercise regularly. Walk in the morning everyday. Try to do hard work as you can.

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