Old vs. new religions

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by travilanche, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. I have been re-reading The Silmarillion again for about the 10th time. For those of you that don't know what that is it is sort of like the Bible for Middle Earth. It reads very much like the polytheistic religions of old, like the Greeks or Romans. And I started thinking about religion, and came to the conclusion that those older religions are so much cooler and more interesting than what we have now. Gods banging human women and having half God half human children that fight giant monsters and what not. Way more interesting than "a carpenter got nailed to a tree to forgive everyone of their sins". Booooring.

    So does anyone agree with this sentiment? What is your favorite of the ancient religions and why?
  2. I like Greek Mythology also and sometimes wonder what it would be like if I worshiped the god of war or the goddess of wisdom.
    It's interesting because you begin to imagine all of the gods and goddesses watching your life and debating your fate as where monotheism forces you to use concrete religious text to guess how God views you and you can't choose deities based on your personality or values. It's handed to you and it's non-negotiable.
    Greek mythology is definitely more liberating and fun to worship.
    But I shy away from any worshiping any deity especially pagan type stuff so I wouldn't worship Greek gods/goddesses myself.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=377Qjg0Fxog
    I might worship lord Glycon if it means I'd be spared from his reign of terror :p.
  4. Drink mead and praise Odin!!!
  5. Never understood why older religion's are now shunned to the side and not considered, while the main religions these days are no better.
    Greek mythology etc is way more interesting than the boring religions of today. Don't understand how Christianity etc has more substance than Greek mythology.
  6. Judaism, christianity and islam all become more interesting subjects when you understand their astro-theological pagan origins.
  7. But why do they hold more value today than those in Greek mythology etc? It's just as plausible as most religions. Think kids would be far more into religion if (as was said) it was more about half god half people. Not sure if that'd be a good thing, but that's irrelevant haha.
  8. I've always thought Norse mythology was super interesting. I mean the vikings had to be doing something right to be so kick ass
  9. Fuck Vikings.

    Hugh Hefner kicks all their raping asses.
  10. No, they don't at all, there's not much interesting at all about these religions, except for exciting Holy wars
  11. People learn some history and read a bit more. Your feeble minds are not worthy of my input.

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